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Help needed to help out a Land Rover owner...


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Updated list

  • crclifford / Chris Confirmed
  • Ben_J85JTY / Ben Tentative subject to piano moving
  • GBMUD / Chris Confirmed
  • Diablo Subject to friend and previous night out
  • missingsid / Marc Subject to conformation
  • Landroversforever / Ross Confirmed

List looking a bit better but it would be great if we could get a couple more confirmed to insure we can get everything sorted.

Cheers, Jason.

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I am in, I am happy to take orders as to what to do. If it was my own motor I would make my decisions but given the reason for the work I welcome direction to work as a team.


Cheers Marc,

Sorry if I have given you the wrong impression, the intention was not to tell people what to do, but just to divide up the work so people aren't left standing around or doing something they are not comfortably doing. my thoughts were that two people on each hub would allow one to strip the hub, change the disk, replacing the bearings and swapping the ABS ring, Whilst the second person can strip the swivel etc, but as above really happy for the help so however you see fit really, or if someone has more experience and wants to work with someone with less and teach them a thing or too or whatever works for you.

The front axle is the main job that needs to be done, and if we don't get round to doing the service and other bits I can sort that another weekend but at least Dennis will know he can drive his truck with confidence.


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Jason, how much of a swivel rebuild is it? shall I bring my specially butchered 14mm spanner for getting the swivels off the axles? and also should I bring my spring balance for setting the preload? :)


Bring whatever tools you think you need, I have a decent range but if you have developed something to do the job more effectively then great, the swivel torque bolts have been replaced on one side and I have got replacement bolts for the other side and the callipers. I have a spring balance (somewhere!!) but again there is no harm in bringing a second or third unit.

On tools A second torque wrench would help as I only have one!!

The big problem is we don't know what has been done and what hasn't one swivel is leaking the other looks OK but on the side where the swivel is pitted/leaking the CV joint was meant to have been replaced and the swivel overhauled £600 invoice!!! There is however a bit of play but nothing that bad, on the other side the CV has a slight rumble and is not smooth.

I have therefore ordered a complete kit for each side, including new bolts, CV's, and swivels together with all the bearings new discs and pads, as we just don't know what has and what hasn't been done. After some long conversations with Dennis, I think for his own peace of mind he would just be happier if everything is replaced and he knows where he is and the work he had paid for twice for the O/S Hub has now been done.

The good news is most of the bits are here, in fact the only bits I don't have are the replacement calliper bolts, so may have to take a trip to Lancaster in Reading if they do not arrive Friday.

So it looks like my years of organising drinking sessions in my brewery are paying off!!!


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I'm free on Sat and happy to lend a hand if you still need people?


Hi Will,

The more the merrier, we are at four confirmed at the moment, but anything can happen, I figure any more than six and people would start to get under other peoples feet but then again, we could always check everything else out grease props, check UJ's etc.

Who knows we could start something here a Saturday morning service club, where a bunch of people get together to help service or fix each others trucks... Taking the forum from the virtual world into the real world!! :rolleyes:

I will PM you my address etc.

Cheers, Jason.

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Updated list

  • crclifford / Chris Confirmed
  • Ben_J85JTY / Ben Tentative subject to piano moving
  • GBMUD / Chris Confirmed
  • Diablo Confirmed
  • missingsid / Marc Confirmed
  • Landroversforever / Ross Confirmed
  • Dailysleaze / Will Confirmed

Which will be a truly fantastic turnout, Dennis still can't believe that total strangers are willing to help him out.

The plan is to start at 08:00 but if you can't get there until later just send me a text letting me know your ETA, I expect we will be done by 13:00 at the latest. Mrs S will be providing (breakfast bacon and egg) so again if you have any dietary requirements let me know, my daughter is baking cakes, and has said she will be making drinks to demand, and then sandwiches for lunch.

I have been overwhelmed by the messages/PM's of support and the offers to pay for parts etc, and will continue to pass these on to Dennis, I have also been surprised by the amount of people who have also said they have also been subject to this type of fraud in the past and I am sure these will make Dennis feel a lot better.

On a personal note, again thanks for the messages however I am not doing anything most people on here don't do on a daily basis, the whole point of this forum is to help other people who share a general interest, OK so we are doing this in the real world and not on a forum but, it's not me doing it, it's a collective effort as it just got too much for me to do and I called in help.

I met Dennis when building my trailer and he came to buy parts from my old trailer, he had reached the end of the line trying to sort out his brakes and was going to sell his truck, he asked me to take a quick look and it went from there.... again who on here has not had someone popping round and asking you to take a quick look at something, which normally ends up in fetching the tools out and getting things sorted!!

Thanks, Jason.

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I'll try and remember to bring my two torque wrenches over, along with any other tools i can think off find in the mess that is the garage!!

No Problem Chris, you haven't seen the mess which passes as my garage yet!!

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No Problem Chris, you haven't seen the mess which passes as my garage yet!!

Well loaded up my tubs of EP and ATF, torque wrenches and some spanners, and a large bag of rags!!!

See you tomorrow morning.

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I see the weather's doing its part to help.... not

First thing not looking, but I have a big tarpaulin that can cover everything so no big deal.

Well loaded up my tubs of EP and ATF, torque wrenches and some spanners, and a large bag of rags!!!

See you tomorrow morning.

Great see you in the morning, I think we have all the bits we need, I just double checked them and everything present and correct :)

See you in the Morning.



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Nice to see the x-plug there as well...

That looks rather tidy there, thought your garage was a mess?

There is a story behind the x-plug but that's for another day. The photo is of my outside bench which I was using to check everything was there... Shamed at the fact that people would see the S*** hole my garage had become over the winter so I did have a bit of a tidy up today, it's still a mess but you can see the floor now!!


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