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Help needed to help out a Land Rover owner...


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Just a thought Jason, have you got the little CV retaining clips? I forgot mine initially and had to go get them :P.

Yup, came with the CV joints.

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Cheers Marc,

Sorry if I have given you the wrong impression, the intention was not to tell people what to do, but just to divide up the work so people aren't left standing around or doing something they are not comfortably doing. my thoughts were that two people on each hub would allow one to strip the hub, change the disk, replacing the bearings and swapping the ABS ring, Whilst the second person can strip the swivel etc, but as above really happy for the help so however you see fit really, or if someone has more experience and wants to work with someone with less and teach them a thing or too or whatever works for you.

The front axle is the main job that needs to be done, and if we don't get round to doing the service and other bits I can sort that another weekend but at least Dennis will know he can drive his truck with confidence.



No prob what I meant was that I will literaly take advise on what to do. I have thirty years of rebuilding my own car at my risk but this is someone elses car and it needs to be done right so I am a pair of hands to be led.


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Thanks, for the good wishes, it went fairly well today and I will post up some photos in a bit and add a report, However we are now after a front axle case if anyone has one?


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So what happened? Did drilling out the old bolts wreck the axle?

Apologies for bolting at 1300hrs, but had to get home to lay and compact the concrete crush, which got finished even with the hail!!!!

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So what happened? Did drilling out the old bolts wreck the axle?

The worlds bluntest drill-bit wandered a bit and the hole at 'our' end ended up a little oval - and still full of stuck bolt. :( The other side they could not get any of the bolts out so the swivel is a permanent feature...

Both wheel stations now rebuilt ready for bolting to the new axle case.


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First of all on behalf of Dennis and myself I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that came and lent a hand today, I know it may not seem like we accomplished a lot but, but we did, everyone can see how work had not been done and the state of the truck. The good news is we are getting there and Dennis will soon be able to enjoy his truck and land rover driving.

I would also like to thank everyone for their kind words, and best wishes, and a special thank you to Simon at X-Eng.

Simon was not able to be there but offered to fund this weekends activities on behalf of X-Eng, Dennis however felt he could not accept this kind offer as he was responsible for it being in this state. Simon did however sent some X-Plugs to be used in the rebuild, which Chris C used today to retrieve the broken 3/4 drive!! Simon did this via PM and was not looking for any publicity for the offer but as it was such a kind offer I thought it wouldn't be fair not to mention it.

Today has been a really good day, a great example of why this forum exists, why owning a Land Rover is about more than just driving a car, I guess why LR owners still wave to each over!! Everyone worked hard and really well together, although it was left to me to undo and fit things when the others couldn't!!! Chris W got to practice sharpening drill bits, and if you couldn't find a tool it was likely that Ross had it!! and one time every 17mm socket in Oxfordshire I think.

Things started well and we should have been finished by 11.... :blush: As became clear the work that Dennis had paid for had not been done and things were stuck solid, even the oil filter beat most of us!!

Lot's of tea was drank and the sandwiches kept flowing, even Ross said he was full. :o

Chris C started to drop the fluids and Marc was going to give it a quick service!! :blink: The oil filter was stuck solid we tried three types of filter tool, after removing most of the turbo and wastegate and everyone having a go it finally came off!!! Dennis had paid for a full service less than 12 months ago!!! Yea right again that filter had not been off for a very long time!! But it's been done now.

Again the callipers were changed 18 months ago!! so they will need rebuilding with new pistons as they are shot!!

Chris W snapped a swivel stud and we all learnt some new words :blush: however this was one better than team Ross & Will who couldn't even get theirs undone!!! The calliper pistons were again allegedly replaced 18 months ago, yea right!!! We didn't think any of this was insurmountable but when my lack of sharp drill bits and an off centre hole rendered the OSF US and it became clear their was no way that the NSF swivel was never going to separate from the axle the decision was made to remove and strip the current axle and find a new casing.

Mo then called to give us his remote supervision call, but as we had already started to remove the axle, we ignored him and carried on regardless!!

Will and I started to remove and strip the front axle and Chris W and Ross started to build up the swivels and hubs.

OK so we didn't get the truck back on the road but we broke the back of the work, the whole front was in a lot worse state than expected, you can see where people started jobs in the past, rounded bolts etc and just left it, the difference is we didn't.

Retro has an axle case which I will pick up from him this week, so the plan is to try and get it put back together next Saturday, if anyone is around to lead a hand I would really appreciate it and I know Dennis would.

Many Thanks, Jason.

















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It was great to meet some new people, see some others again and a great atmosphere to work in - though a nice dry heated workshop would have been better... :P

Not sure I will be able to make it next Saturday but if things change then I will be there.

Well done to Jason for arranging everything, sorting the bits out and for making space in your drive/garage for the job. It was evident that Dennis appreciated your efforts on his behalf and I hope that he is able to enjoy his Landrover again soon.


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Yep well done Jason for sorting everything out, even if you didn't check the bolts needed for the rear diff guard :P

I think we might have used half the county's supply of short extension bars too.

And if we all learnt one thing today, it's don't buy a 10p model TD5 because the oil filter is a bitch.

And then at home I sorted the merc's starter motor and found that my rear tank on the 90 is leaking so that will have to come out next weekend. Great.

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- though a nice dry heated workshop would have been better...


You got the inside bench Chris, and we covered you up when it started to rain!! As you had to take your coat off, I figured you were warm enough!! otherwise I would have lit the new stove.

I think we might have used half the county's supply of short extension bars too.

That's where they all went!!

And then at home I sorted the merc's starter motor and found that my rear tank on the 90 is leaking so that will have to come out next weekend. Great.

Will be busy on Saturday, but if you need a hand on the Sunday, let me know happy to help.

Cheers, Jason.

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Thank you Jason (and family) for hosting us all. Thoroughly enjoyable day and great to add some real faces for forum names :).

I don't think I will be around saturday, but if I am... I will come over :D.

Next time Jason, we want a warm, dry workshop with a lift or we will alllllll go on strike :P.

That oil filter was a right $*(%& @*$& to undo but it finally went! I will never buy a 10p Td5 EVER.

Long extensions too Diablo!

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Yes, congrats to Jason for organising it all, also thanks for the food and cakes.

Also it was great to put names to faces.

Unfortunately can't help next Saturday as I'm helping the parents to move home over towards their new place near Swindon.

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Yes, congrats to Jason for organising it all, also thanks for the food and cakes.

Also it was great to put names to faces.

Unfortunately can't help next Saturday as I'm helping the parents to move home over towards their new place near Swindon.

No problem Chris, appreciate your help today, if you can drop me a PM with your addresses I will arrange to get your oil tub back to you during the week.


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this is all very kind of you guys! :lol: i hope he enjoys driving it again!! who's who in the photos? :)

Right to Left

GBMUD, Dennis, Missingsid, DailySleaze, crclifford, jasong4110, landroversforever, Diablo


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Is a 10p TD5 what they are worth?

It took me half an hour of asking "where exactly is the "$**%$ filter" to find it lurking in the dark. Fancy painting it black it even evaded detection with a torch.

It does make you wonder if LR have reached the limit of what can be stuffed under the bonnet space?

As a short arse I needed a ladder to do anything under the bonnet as the axle stands made it feel like working on a Jumbo just as it takes off!

Let me know if an axle tube cannot be found as I have to get a Series axle tube from Oaktree Garage in Luton next week, I did hear tell of a LR breaker near Theale are they worth a call if anyone knows and rates them?

Warning never try to wash oily clothes in the w/machine,

Friday I decide to wash my LR working clothes in the machine. I found a never before used 95 deg cycle so I tried it to keep the gease hot so it flushed out of the machine. The cycle runs for 2 hours and I came home to find condensed oil running down the kitchen windows and the whole house still smells like an oil refinery. The front of the machine has melted and my pregnent wife who can't keep anything down had to sleep down stairs as the bedrooms stank so much.

But hey I got the clothes clean for Saturday when thay lasted half an hour before wiping new dirty oil down them!

Spending two hours with two new friends to change the spin on oil filter that should have taken ten mins to do made me feel like I had not helped at all when everyone else was fighting the more manly axle bolts.

Dennis is a realy nice guy so I have no qualms spending time there today, with so many people trying to fix your motor for free I can see that it may have been a bit overwelming for him.

Who knows I could have my arm twisted to spend another Sat there but I will have to use dirty clothes this time!


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