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Help needed to help out a Land Rover owner...


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I've got to swap a transfer box on my own heap cherished Land Rover, otherwise I would have come up and lent a hand. I'll be on the end of the phone though if that's any help, though I'm sure that with the calibre of those involved there won't be any issues! :)

Good luck chaps, look forward to hearing how you get on.

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I had forgotten all about the pipe!!

Me too, or it would have been in the post Monday!

Glad the tooth brush is proving useful! Do we have a can of brake cleaner on site, some new fluid and a bleeding kit?


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Do we have a can of brake cleaner on site, some new fluid and a bleeding kit?


I have a couple of cans of brake cleaner, and I have an eezibleed and got a litre of fluid yesterday.

So I think we are set in that area, unless you can think of anything else we need?


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A HUGE thank you to everyone that helped and supported this, to all those who sent PM's of support, and would have supported if only you lived closer.

Today we got the truck rebuilt, back up and running and on it's way, one slight issue with a brake pipe but soon solved, brake bleed done and a small oil leak fixed but it is done.

The truck is now rebuilt and working well, Dennis is sorted he has now got the truck he paid for, several people have meet new people, everyone worked very well together and Dennis has a renewed faith in people.

When I asked for some help I had reached the end of the line, as others saw everything was bogged every job took twice as long as it should have, I had already spent 5 weeks trying to sort him out.

But I have been overwhelmed by the response the way this forum rallied around a fellow Land Rover owner who had been treated badly by others is a credit to this forum.

Oh and I can now get my truck out of the drive!! :D

Thank you, Jason.


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Well done, you guys should be rightly proud of what you have achieved! :)

You should also get Dennis to sign up to the forum, it will mean he can be better informed when having to deal with garages again. They are less likely to try and pull a fast one then.

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Thanks Barry,

I am sure Dennis would sign up but he 'does not really do the internet' When you send him an email his wife prints them out and give them to him!!!


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Just come across this thread. Well done to all involved for such a fantastic effort. You would be right to be proud of yourselves, despite the fact that you were happy to help anyway.

It's so good to read of a bunch of like minded strangers pulling together to help the less fortunate.

I have to say how it saddens me that there are some 'professionals' who are happy to take advantage of the elderly. I am now in the position of having to 'vet' some of the issues my own father who is in his 80s gets presented with by various unscrupulous sales people, so I can fully sympathise with Dennis' situation. I only hope he doesn't feel too embarrased by this state of affairs.

Yet again some new friendships have been forged, all because of a Landrover :)

Again, well done guys.I wish I could have helped out too.

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I have an Xbrake to fit, two more x-plugs, transferbox to service, a whine to trace, engine service, rear side light to fix, new headlights to fit (after making a new loom with relays) steering guard to fit, Xarms to fit (probably not until I have smartened them up a bit) drive-line clunk to find, rear disks and [whats left of the] pads.

Just a small list :lol:

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I have an Xbrake to fit, two more x-plugs, transferbox to service, a whine to trace, engine service, rear side light to fix, new headlights to fit (after making a new loom with relays) steering guard to fit, Xarms to fit (probably not until I have smartened them up a bit) drive-line clunk to find, rear disks and [whats left of the] pads.

Just a small list :lol:

So what will you do with the afternoon?


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I talked to a chap once who was a member of a Mini (IIRC) club / forum. Once a year, they would all get together for a maintenance weekend. The people needing help would buy beer & food (in addition to parts & consumables) and the people offering help would eat, drink and fix stuff. It sounded great fun - and it started with a handful of people and grew from there.

Maybe we could do something similar? Finding a venue is probably the hardest part. Here, where X-Eng is based wouldn't be too bad as there is a camp site on the farm - and I could probably lay my hands on covered space for a weekend plus fork lifts and if I could get one of the other tennants on board, a ramp. Granted, Horsham is not a great location in terms of distance from the centre of the UK - but it would be free!

The Camp Site have one or two Billing type events per year for model boat owners (there are a couple of lakes) and others. We did discuss some kind of Land Rover type thing here - but the feeling was that there is not much of Land Rover interest nearby (apart from Slindon possibly). Something like this - might provide an excuse! We could do something like fixing on Fri evening & Sat then Slindon on Sunday?



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I talked to a chap once who was a member of a Mini (IIRC) club / forum. Once a year, they would all get together for a maintenance weekend. The people needing help would buy beer & food (in addition to parts & consumables) and the people offering help would eat, drink and fix stuff. It sounded great fun - and it started with a handful of people and grew from there.

Maybe we could do something similar? Finding a venue is probably the hardest part. Here, where X-Eng is based wouldn't be too bad as there is a camp site on the farm - and I could probably lay my hands on covered space for a weekend plus fork lifts and if I could get one of the other tennants on board, a ramp. Granted, Horsham is not a great location in terms of distance from the centre of the UK - but it would be free!

The Camp Site have one or two Billing type events per year for model boat owners (there are a couple of lakes) and others. We did discuss some kind of Land Rover type thing here - but the feeling was that there is not much of Land Rover interest nearby (apart from Slindon possibly). Something like this - might provide an excuse! We could do something like fixing on Fri evening & Sat then Slindon on Sunday?



As a local to you sounds like a good idea, only bit im not sure about is 'fixing on Fri evening & Sat then Slindon on Sunday'...... to break everything we have just fixed!!!!

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I talked to a chap once who was a member of a Mini (IIRC) club / forum. Once a year, they would all get together for a maintenance weekend. The people needing help would buy beer & food (in addition to parts & consumables) and the people offering help would eat, drink and fix stuff. It sounded great fun - and it started with a handful of people and grew from there.

Maybe we could do something similar? Finding a venue is probably the hardest part. Here, where X-Eng is based wouldn't be too bad as there is a camp site on the farm - and I could probably lay my hands on covered space for a weekend plus fork lifts and if I could get one of the other tennants on board, a ramp. Granted, Horsham is not a great location in terms of distance from the centre of the UK - but it would be free!

The Camp Site have one or two Billing type events per year for model boat owners (there are a couple of lakes) and others. We did discuss some kind of Land Rover type thing here - but the feeling was that there is not much of Land Rover interest nearby (apart from Slindon possibly). Something like this - might provide an excuse! We could do something like fixing on Fri evening & Sat then Slindon on Sunday?




In principle it sounds like a great idea, I think the problem comes when something goes wrong, or a part breaks and the truck can't be repaired as we found above, I am not sure you would like the idea of trucks sitting around your place until the parts could be got and put back on the next week.

As you know some jobs on a Landy are a PITA, and just a lot easier with two or more people (one to hold it one to hit it!!) plus I have really enjoyed the banter and teamwork of the last couple of weekends (most of it at Ross's expense!!)

After the last few weeks I was thinking of suggesting something similar, the main issues we faced was cost of people travelling, fuelling up the landy to travel several hundred miles to help others is not that tempting to all given the current price of fuel and the economic climate for many. The second is lack of spares, it has surprised me how many places are no longer open on a Saturday morning....

But found that people local to me were more than willing to help, the thing that struck me is how many people lived locally to me!! Maybe setting up local groups would be the way to go? A Saturday morning car club run on the first Saturday of every month, but local to you either at someone's home or a friendly site by having it on a Saturday morning parts could be sourced if needed.

I would be happy to host one event and start to kick off the process, maybe the 'local' groups could then meet up twice a year to tackle more adventurous projects like a chassis swap in a weekend?


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Hopefully the majority of unforseen parts would be standard stock items and a lot of the other problems that occur can often be sorted when the right tools are on hand. Welders, angle grinders, gas torches, decent drills, taps and a few knowledgeable people, all things that a lot of us don't have to hand when working on our own. A press and full engineering workshop would also be handy... but maybe I am wishing for too much there ;)

If the truck is able to get to the place for the work to be done then normally the unforseen problems come down to breaking something when taking it apart, not being able to take something apart, or something else is worn out as well.

It's also a great way to share the special tools, eg crank pulley locking tools etc.

If you expanded the idea to also be a bit of a swap meet then there may even be an extra source of parts to .... although I think I'm trying to run now before even crawling :P

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First of all, can I add my voice to those already to everyone else in congratulating Jason for organising this…this is a big, public, two fingered salute to those unscrupulous persons-of-questionable parentage who try and diddle people (whether old, young, or just lacking in mechanical expertise). Unfortunately I was unable to help due distance and previous commitments but it appears you hand plenty of experienced hands on board…

Excellent idea Si, I certainly would welcome a ‘fix it’ weekend (certainly my truck could use it!), perhaps with some camping...and maybe play day on the Sunday. But I suspect the main problem is those requiring help probably have an immovable vehicle anyway, and the costs+logisitics associated with transporting/trailering said vehicle make the prospect unattractive.

Getting really advanced here, we could do a fixit+flog surplus bits stand at the Bristol and West Land Rover show? Or Newbury? Speak to the organisers of the former and we might be able to do it indoors in one of their cowsheds exhibition halls. Point is, if we do it at a show, there should be plenty of sources of bits+sundries should we run short!

Otherwise, sign me up for a chez X-eng weekend, even if I just come along to 'learn', rather than bring my truck. It'd be great to see/help with a swivel rebuild, for instance, before taking one on meself...

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