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Disco axle rebuild calipers or Def brake calipers?


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For my project (rebuild of existing 88 coiler with 200tdi but without axles) I found disco 300tdi axles but the brake calipers need a rebuild/change

Q1: Should I rebuild them or just buy complete new ones online?

Q2: If rebuild, then I go for OE seals but what about the pistons: normal or Stainless?

Q3: Will the front brake calipers of a Def (with larger pistons) fit on a Disco axle?

Q4: The original project had RR axles with 2 brake lines for each caliper: can I omit one line and just close this at the distribution block?


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I'd rebuild the rears and find some 110 fronts as they are indeed bigger and rebuild those too. I think stainless pistons are not necessary unless you intend on ploughing through feet of shi.t regularly, I mean, how old are the normal pistons before they need replacement? They do ten years easy.

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Rebuilding depends on the dust seal seat. If it's rotted away then they arn't really any good. If they are okay, the rangy ones are a pain to rebuild, as all brake clapers to be difficult. Its a good argument for buying new :)

I fitted Zeus pistons which are aledgedly stainless? I'm not sure what grade. I'm sure they will be better in the long run than 'badly chromed'.

Rangy 4 pot calipers have two pipes for a two stage master cylinder. So I say the master cylinder should match the calipers. (sounds fair?)

As far as I can make out there are only minor mods to the swivel housing and that the basic caliper mounting structure is the same on the coil sprung chrome ball axels. Thats through prefix 'A', prefix 'B' and metric. Which seems unlikely given the tinkering on stub axels and casings?

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When I rebuild a calliper I always use stainless pistons where possible. In past experience, cheap chrome ones will be lucky to outlast the first set of pads and OE chrome ones are dearer than stainless. I always use OE or genuine seal kits.


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