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Tanker Drivers' Strike


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another trick is (apparently) to blow really hard which is suppose to make it shoot back up. :huh: tried the normal technique with a petrol car which had an anti syphon thingy fitted, i inhaled so much vapor that i almost pasted out!!! :lol::rolleyes:

have a look on http://www.petrolprices.com I get a monthly update from them, you can browse the site & compare prices.

would they be updated within 2 days tho?

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Older pugs have a wicked sqeezey jobber for priming thier fuel systems, they will let fuel flow through them tho so just put your ends in the appropriate places give it a couple of squeezes and your away.


(just been to petrol station and theres diesel all over the forecourt!)

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I have a twin tank conversion and usually run on WVO, (and start-up diesel).

I had an empty diesel tank, 110 CSW, and 200l of filtered WVO. Our local Sainsburys was 143.9p per litre, so I've bought £30, which should last me to next month.

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ive got to that point where my tank is so empty it has to lift the fuel up through the lines before itll start. i.e. turns over about 7 times before it will start haha.

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i've noticed veg oil has gone up in price quite a lot at my local indian cash and carry... methinks they have cottoned on to all us yorkshire folk in landrovers turning up and buying 50l at a time in the past week :ph34r:

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One suggestion I saw in the Independent the other day was a minimum price per customer - equivalent to about 35 litres worth of your particular hydrocarbon cocktail.

It'd stop everyone filling up when they've still got 19/20ths of a tank remaining, unless they've got far too much money to care.

That would suck when filling up a jerrycan after you've run out of fuel.

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On Saturday, I filled up X-Eng's van - which took a lot of Diesel - at Sainsbury's. When I went to pay for it - the chap in the kiosk told me how inconsiderate I was, buying that much fuel when it's in such short supply.

I politely suggested he should mind his own business and that THE REASON i had to put so much in was that I had not 'panic bought' earlier in the week and the tank was empty. Sainsbury's will not get any more of my business!


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On Saturday, I filled up X-Eng's van - which took a lot of Diesel - at Sainsbury's. When I went to pay for it - the chap in the kiosk told me how inconsiderate I was, buying that much fuel when it's in such short supply.

I politely suggested he should mind his own business and that THE REASON i had to put so much in was that I had not 'panic bought' earlier in the week and the tank was empty. Sainsbury's will not get any more of my business!


Si, I thought you had worked out that the supermarket fuel wasn't worth the savings over branded fuel? :)

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On Saturday, I filled up X-Eng's van - which took a lot of Diesel - at Sainsbury's. When I went to pay for it - the chap in the kiosk told me how inconsiderate I was, buying that much fuel when it's in such short supply.

I politely suggested he should mind his own business and that THE REASON i had to put so much in was that I had not 'panic bought' earlier in the week and the tank was empty. Sainsbury's will not get any more of my business!


I would have asked him how much fuel was in his car tank?

Followed by how he would endeavour to complete a long journey without any fuel in his tank?

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Si, I thought you had worked out that the supermarket fuel wasn't worth the savings over branded fuel? :)

When it's the only fuel in the town - it seems very good value!


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On Saturday, I filled up X-Eng's van - which took a lot of Diesel - at Sainsbury's. When I went to pay for it - the chap in the kiosk told me how inconsiderate I was, buying that much fuel when it's in such short supply.

I politely suggested he should mind his own business and that THE REASON i had to put so much in was that I had not 'panic bought' earlier in the week and the tank was empty. Sainsbury's will not get any more of my business!



Send an email to their HQ address with your complaint and they will send you £20 to say sorry!!! I am not even sure they read the complaint just send the voucher. I complained about a run in I had with a trolley monkey the other week that nearly took the front of my FL off, letter back within 24 hours they were sorry and will be passing my concern to the manager and here is £20...


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Mananged to get some from my local fuel station first thing this morning, so I am a little happier. Although I had to pay more than I ususally do (it is a local petrol station after all, not that that is an excuse for hiking up the price but that is a different rant) I am all set for Sunday.

But I just wish that people would maybe just sit back and look at what is happening and just realise how dumb we all look.

Yeah believe me on the other side of the world looking at you lot you do look dumb

Although good thing is it makes our expensive fuel at A$1.50 a ltr look not quite so dear now

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Yeah believe me on the other side of the world looking at you lot you do look dumb

Although good thing is it makes our expensive fuel at A$1.50 a ltr look not quite so dear now

Lol, there be lemmings the world over. It looks pretty dumb from this side of the world as well, I can't make up my mind if it's like watching the keystone cops or some sort of sinister chess game .....

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