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Five Minute Roadside Rescue


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On the way home tonight, exiting a large roundabout in North Bristol near a business park, I noticed a lady trying with little success to push her Peugeot estate to the side of the road. So I drove onto the verge, got out and pushed her car to a fairly safe place.

Her car had "gone bang and would not start". We quickly decided that South Wales was a bit out of my way for a tow and she was not in the AA/RAC. So I lent her my AA card, she rang up, joined over the phone and the van was on its way. Damsel de-distressed in 5 minutes. Hopefully by now she and the poorly car are home.

And I have done my good deed for the day and feel disgracefully smug.


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Good for you, it still continues to surprise me how many people will drive past someone in trouble or even beep their horns etc. I always try to help others it's a Karma thing, I drove past a car last year that had just pulled up and was starting to smoke, pulled out the fire extinguisher and after a few squirts under the bonnet the fire was out. I thought nothing else of it lent the person my phone to call the AA made sure they were safe and went on my way.

A week later the door bell rang it was the lady from the car fire, they figured out where I live from the car (we live in a smallish village) anyway she handed me an envelope with a card inside, a nice gesture I thought. Opening the card I found 5 crispy £50 notes, I told her that I didn't want anything but she had decided that as her excess was £500 and my actions had prevented this she wanted to repay me for my help and cover the cost of a replacement fire extinguisher.

Do good things and good things happen....


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Good for you, it still continues to surprise me how many people will drive past someone in trouble or even beep their horns etc. I always try to help others it's a Karma thing,

I wish you'd been on the M5 when we had our smash.......lots of horns because the Police had closed the exit slip road for safety, and not one single person stopped to see if we were ok...

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I always stop if its safe for me to do so and i don't create more trouble. - There's nothing worse than feeling alone and in trouble. I think society today breeds distrust and people are sometime scared to stop and help.

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i dont want to sound perverted but i always stop for women that have broke down only as i think i would like it if someone stop for my mrs. i was on my way home a while ago now and there was a car in the middle of the road and a young mum behind the wheel she had a baby in the car seat and everyone was just beeping at her and driving round. i could not believe it. i did the same as the guy above and helped her out. it makes you feel like a gentleman

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i dont want to sound perverted but i always stop for women that have broke down only as i think i would like it if someone stop for my mrs. i was on my way home a while ago now and there was a car in the middle of the road and a young mum behind the wheel she had a baby in the car seat and everyone was just beeping at her and driving round. i could not believe it. i did the same as the guy above and helped her out. it makes you feel like a gentleman

Whilst stopping to help women may make you feel like a gent, there are enough blokes around these days that have less of a clue!! I class myself amongst the lower order of engineering with a basic mechanical understanding, but it seems that people these days just don't have a clue (young and old) I guess modern cars have a lot to answer for with reliability being better and the ability to DIY in most cases almost removed some people struggle with the basics!!! I stopped to help a guy the other day who had stopped in the stupidest place (a blind bend on the top of a hill in the dark) he had a flat and just didn't know what to do!! The chap was about 38 and truly hopeless... Once I had got him to move his car to somewhere sensible I talked him through changing his tyre, his response was "where did you learn how to do this?"


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Ross, whilst I of course agree as above that everyone should be able to change a wheel there is another issue more related to modern cars, sometimes it's impossible to fix your tyre as many cars don't come with a spare as standard!! Any more than a standard small puncture and you are stuck!!! As my FL2 is a company car getting recovered and the mobile tyre people out is not the end of the world for me, but I have learnt that instead of using the stupid foam stuff it is easier to call the fleet recovery people, and catch public transport home.


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Although it's easy to say people should be able to at least do simple maintenance on their vehicles or shouldn't be driving (in fact I was joking with James last weekend that if changing your break pads was part of the test there'd be no congestion on the roads) there is another parallel to this.

How many people use PC's and can do no maintenance on them to keep them going? Should they be banned from using PC's? Banned from the internet? Ok it's not life threatening but it can inconvenience lots of people, it only takes one infected PC to spew out tons of spam, just like it only takes one car to cause a massive traffic jam....

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So for each thing in life get rid of those who don't have a clue? is that what you're saying Barry? :D. I that case, Mom is never having a computer :rofl:

I was actually trying to say the opposite ... but now you mention it .... :P

Although thinking about it I'll get banned from speaking English :P

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