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I'm writing this in Gloucester library.

We've been down to Exmoor band are now on our way home

All I can say is we're both over the moon with it. The trailer sits nicely behind my Defender. Even inproved MPG.

We lost a door lock on the way down. Tank tape sorted that. New locks to sort once home. There's a couple of roof leaks as well, mot sealant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few pics of the weeks we were away.

Woodall Services
Overland Show
Apple Gate at Gloucester
Exmoor Centre
Donington Park
We've had three weeks away. Four weeks not working on the trailer. We are both very happy with our project, just the tidying up to do now.
We will also be making a full cover awning over the winter.
After we've emptied both the Defender and trailer. I can start work again
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  • 3 weeks later...

After a few weeks without working hard on the trailer. The electrics are started

Every circuit is separate and wired earth return.

Trailer lights are through the 12N and 12S sockets but are individually fused in the trailer.

First the charging circuit from the Defender

This used 10mm squared cable from the main battery, via an 80Amp fuse to a 50Amp blue Anderson socket

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From there to an 80Amp fuse, then wired to the CTEK 250 dual battery charger. From the battery charger there is another 80Amp fuse then wired to the pos on the battery
Now the solar panel.
There is a yellow 50Amp Anderson connector on the front of the trailer. Wired to an 80Amp fuse then to the CTEK charger.
That then is the charging circuit.
That seemed to work alright on our trip to Deven, the fridge ran all the time without any problems on 12Volt alone
From the battery to an 100Amp fuse then to the front electrical box where there is another 80Amp fuse, then to a posjunction box. There is also a neg junction box. The idea of the two fuses is that I hope that with any problems the 80Amp fuse will blow first at it's easy to get to. Sods law will come in I expect.
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The electrical box. The yellow Anderson connector for solar can be seen on the right ,in the picture,
Tho hole you see in the box is for the 240 Volt socket.
Notice the 12N and 12S plugs are in a holder.
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Inside the untidy half finished electrical box

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I will do me best to explain things
Right and left will be as you look at the pic
Bottom right three 80Amp fuse boxes starting at the botto, this is the charging side.
Pos from the Defender battery to CTEK
Pos from solar to CTEK
Then at the top is the grey Anderson which will be a 12Volt live
To the left of these still at the bottom, the 12 Volt negative junction box for the charging circuit.
Above and left, the lighting fuse box
To the left, Red with the fuse is the pos feed and to that left is the negative junction box
The thin white and the black are the temporary wires for the Engel fridge
Hanging down with bare ends are some of the 240 wires.
The cable ties will be cut away and "P" clips used
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Yes very warm and cosy. We both hope it will be even warmer inside when the cloth for the roof is in place. We slept with the roof slightly open.

Then there are the wall coverings to fit.

None of those will be done until I've done the electrics inside and finished drilling.

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Yes very warm and cosy. We both hope it will be even warmer inside when the cloth for the roof is in place. We slept with the roof slightly open.

Then there are the wall coverings to fit.

None of those will be done until I've done the electrics inside and finished drilling.

Very impressed Mike. Just gets better and better.

You weren't impressed with my last suggestion but what about some stylised side decals of the constellation Gemini??

Just a thought


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  • 1 month later...

Softly, softly, catchee monkey.

I'm taking things easier now. Work when I feel like it.

So the 12 Volt electrics for the interior lights are finished, unless we decide to add more after another trip with it.

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On the back wall is a Defender reversing light fitted with an LED, if that doesn't give enough light then another will be fited.
The curtains on the walls and the bed floor covering are done.
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Fuse box mounted inside left door, plenty of fuse spaces left
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Curtain covers fuse box
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Exterior "flood" lights

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This is the light on the left door. WE! think if more light is needed this can be used
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Night lights. Both side switched each side. Also it is supposed that midgies are not attracted to amber lights
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The canvas is at the tent maker for the awning. We used a tent extension that is no longer used.
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How about vinyl wrapping the flat panels. IMHO the untreated panels accentuate the angular nature and make it all a bit slab like. Some coloured panels might help soften it a little. And if wrapped, it is all removable as & when your tastes change.

A coverring would also slow down the ageing process that makes non-anodised ally look tired after a few years..

Love some of the detail in this project - hinges & opening roof are great touches.

You could also think about spraying it with plastidip.....

spray on.... Peel off when bored.
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  • 1 month later...

Well despite the cold, wet weather we've still made some progress, we generally worked from late morning for a couple of hours.

The electrics are DONE. Yep both 12Volt and 240Volt. I've also got the circuit in whith the Voltmeter and switch for the fridge


The thick white wires are 240V.

We've also been working on the canvas sides for the roof. I'm not happy with the way I've made it but I'm not changing it now. We did find rail leaked through the Velcro. That job to stop the rain is in hand. The surprise was switching the Voltmeter on and seeing 12.2 reading. Those batteries have had no charge since Christmas.

Actually we progressed well in the cold wet weather. Only an hour or two in the middle of the day when dry and warm.

We have a new PETT, delivered yesterday. I'll report on that in March after we've used it for over a week. http://www.thepett.co.uk/

There's still a lot of small fiddly jobs to do. They're getting left until the weather is warmer. Nowt wrong with using trailer as it is.

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A little more tidying up/ finishing off, Mistakes :hysterical::rofl:


As you know I've fitted an LED flood on the outside so we can eat in the dark. Fitting meant that there was a gap or hole in both panels. I did seal the inside with tank tape but I was looking to really seal it.

Right me thinks

Expanding foam.

What a good stupid silly idea, there's a bit of cleaning to do next week sometime

Now on our way to Stratford on Avon in September we lost the left top door door lock. I have no idea why. The lot went including the lock and Riv-Nutd.

The fix

A Budget lock on each door as well as the Yale type lock.

Let's see if that does the trick


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after plashing it Mike, are you gonna lacquer it? Would save buying metal polish in 55 gallon drums....

Had rivnuts come out before, were they the ally ones or the steel ones? I now use a wee triangular file to put little teeth in the hole before I set all rivnuts, that works.

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