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Well that worked

This is the framework for the fridge cooker housing slide. I'd initally been going to fit the 45deg braces at the very front, however the checker plate seemed to strenghted the corners up. I've put those pieces onto the door jam so the frame doesn't bent when the door slams

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Advise/ help please


What's the best way to fill the 45deg cut. No ! I can't weld ally. Neither can I see to weld now...

Checker plate

I would like to fit stuff to the checker plate. I don't like the fact that fitted items stand proud of the plate leaving a gap in places.So easiest way the remove the bars.

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When building mine mike I got the fabricator to bend a one inch flange on tHe chequer plate then I bonded that edge to the inside edge of the Ali with tiger seal that way it sat flat ans has never moved.


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Jason. That's what I was thinking. I've got and can get Plastic Padding Chemical Metal, Sets like stong....

Steve. I'm away next week so no work after Monday. I've also run out of ally strip.

I'll take a pic tomorrow to let you see how far it on.

Now what about the checker plate ??

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Flap wheel in a grinder? Certainly be quick, not sure how easy you will find to get a good finish with any method other than sticking it in a mill.

That could be the small drum sander on the Proxxon drill. Will try that when I buy a new Proxxon flexi drive.

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Well again I've tried to post some pics...Again the bugs have stopped me.

I dropped the Engel into the slide to see where it was to be fitted. Then I've made the cooker shelf ready to fit next week after we've had a few days away.

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Mike with regards to removing the bars on the checker plate. You could try using a router, if you are only removing a few bars then a larger base fixed to the router base will allow the router to ride on the remaining bars while you rout away the bars you don't want. If you are removing a lot of them you may need to be a bit more creative with the router mounting......

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Why is it not letting you post pictures? what is it doing? I normally just copy the links from Photobucket/Image shack etc.

Yep I normally copy from Image Shack. It just doesn't work although it's alright with other forums

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Mike with regards to removing the bars on the checker plate. You could try using a router, if you are only removing a few bars then a larger base fixed to the router base will allow the router to ride on the remaining bars while you rout away the bars you don't want. If you are removing a lot of them you may need to be a bit more creative with the router mounting......

Router ? ? ? I don't have one.... Thanks for the idea though

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Upload your pics directly from your pc to the forum - that way they are preserved for the life of the forum rather than disappearing with your imageshack / photbucket account. :)

How do I manage to do that please......

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When typing your reply be sure to be using the full editor (press the "more reply options" button at the bottom right of the window)

You wil see a section titled "Attach Files" at the bottom of the screen and beneath that a button titled "Choose Files".

If you press that button a window opens enabling you to browse to your photos on your PC. You can then upload them.

Once uploaded you have to add them into your post - make sure the cursor is where you want the picture to appear in your post and then click on "Add to post".

Simple as that! :)

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Engel dropped into fridge slide to set position


Fridge slide closed shewing position of Engel


Cooker base and cupboard under the cooker. The electric cooker will be used where leccy is available. If no leccy then the Trangia will be used.

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