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Electrical Issue.

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Yesterday a new fault developed; it was raining which leads me towards 'short'; but it has not corrected. If anyone has some ideas on the cause it would be nice to not have to randomly check the entire system.

When I put my left turn signal on; the left one flashes and the dash indicator flashes. When I put my right signal on; all 4 flash and the dash indicator does not flash. In the past (before yesterday) they worked as hoped; but the dash light would flash full bright on left, but only dimly on right.

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I did try agitating the hazard switch but I'll try removing it; I had the gut feeling that it might be the only place where the systems crossed over. The first thing I did was change the flasher.


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The hazards work as expected; I think I'm going to be stuck tracing the system. I thought there might be something that would be obvious to someone who's had this happen; like a bulb going or similar but oh well.

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OK; if this helps... if I disconnect the indicator cluster connector (left multiplug) the signals work as expected. I tried a 2nd indicator lamp cluster and it had the same behaviour. Full brightness when indicating left; but very dim when indicating right which is clearly because it is flashing all lamps vs just the correct ones.

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Funny how typing something out often leads to the insight that reveals the answer. One of the pitfalls of working alone is not having anyone to talk things out with. I have discovered the 'cause' but it is odd and surprises me. I had to replace a fender skin a month ago; and the new one was painted right out of the box and I failed to notice it lacked the holes for the side repeater so I left it off to give the paint time to harden before drilling for it. When I removed the bulb from the right-hand repeater, the behaviour became all four lamps flashing on indicating both ways. I gather this is functionality that is in the electronic flasher unit itself; but why it does this and how it knows... I'll dig up the other repeater and plug it into the harness to confirm the behaviour.

So weird.

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