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Changing transfer ratios

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A friend of mine have a Series III which engine have been changed to Nissan TD27. Off course it's clear that the original Series

gearbox can´t handle very well the 115 CV engine,

so he decided to put in a Disco transfer with an LT77. However, now the car is a really sluggish one in off road, so he have decided to change the 1.22 ratio to 1.41. Question is.... what do we have to buy? the exact parts (wishing part number, we aren´t exactly Microcat masters) have to be bought in UK, we can´t buy them here in Colombia.Thanks.

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When you say "sluggish one in off-road", are you talking about serious off-road, and he's already using low-ratio? Because a change from 1.22 to 1.410 will not change low-ratio.

If it's sluggish in high-ratio, then yes, going to 1.410 will help. Check the serial number prefix (36D, 41D, 42D ??) of your LT230 transfer case because there were a couple of different main shaft (input shaft) configurations (26, 28 or 38 teeth) and that will determine which components you need for the conversion.

Use the Ashcroft site.http://www.ashcroft-...d&productId=176


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Is he still using the series gearbox? I thought you were working with the LT77 (5-speed) from the Disco as well as the LT230 T/Case?

4th gear in the series box is direct drive, as is 4th in the LT77. If he's on standard 750 x 16 tyres, 4.1 diffs, and l.22 T/Case, then at 90 KPH, the motor is doing about 3100 rpm. The nissan should rev freely up to almost 4000. If it's lugging, then dropping to 1.410 at the T/Case and keeping the series GBox it will be reving at 3600 to maintain 90 KPH.

If he uses the LT77, it will do that in 4th, and when he pops into 5th on the highway (if you have them!) the revs will come back to 2800. That should give him some power in 4th and nice overdrive for cruising in 5th.


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and l.22 T/Case, then at 90 KPH, the motor is doing about 3100 rpm. The nissan should rev freely up to almost 4000. If it's lugging, then dropping to 1.410 at the T/Case and keeping the series GBox it will be reving at 3600 to maintain 90 KPH.

Something is wrong with the above. You can't increase the transfer ratio and decrease the revs, sorry.


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Something is wrong with the above. You can't increase the transfer ratio and decrease the revs, sorry.


3600 rpm IS more than 3100 :huh:

I must admit is difficult to decipher what the OP is actually stating ,

Is it sluggish meaning slow to respond suggesting overgeared or not high top speed due to running out of revs which is undergeared ?

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Carlos, can you be a bit clearer about the issue?

Is it...

1. like you have to keep dropping back into 3rd or lower every time there's a hill (overgeared)


2. it roars up every thing in 4th easily and you hardly ever have to change down into 3rd? (undergeared)


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3600 rpm IS more than 3100 :huh:

I must admit is difficult to decipher what the OP is actually stating ,

Is it sluggish meaning slow to respond suggesting overgeared or not high top speed due to running out of revs which is undergeared ?

My bad, i read 4,000...doh....

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He lives at 2600m over sea level, so the engine usually have a hard time trying to go uphill in the mountains. Our roads are really small in wide measures, so going from Bogota to La Calera in a Series with original gearbox and Nissan engine is a 4th gear work, while using Nissan engine and Lt77/LT230 combination means 2nd and 3rd gears. In my TD5, I can go 4th to 5th in this road with no issue at all, I suppose the 1.41 transfer helps a lot. Bogota's nearby roads are really steep, so he wants to go relaxed and with kind of good top speed (our roads are dangerous for a Series over 100 kph, so top speed is not as important as good torque for passing).

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You will definately need:

1. Gear-Intermediate Shaft 1.4:1

2. Gear-High Output 1.4:1

And you might need:

3. Gear-mainshaft (that has the right number of teeth and mesh-width to match item1, if your current one is wrong.)

Those will all be dependant on the T/Case serial number. You could also be doing intermediate shaft bearings, new crush spacer etc while you're in there but you don't have to... This site can help a bit too, they have plenty of pictures and details of the parts including number of teeth and T/Case identifiers. http://www.shop4autoparts.net/Defender/Gearbox/Transfer-Box/Gears-&-shafts?filter_action=3&filter_value=4


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