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truck cab harness fitting

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I'd suggest that if you need a 4 point harness then the driving would require a roll cage for safety, especially considering that the defender cab is made from not much more than lolipop sticks, drinking straws and papier-mache.....

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If you fit 4 point harnesses 'for show' incorrectly, they could well end up killing you. Granted, the standard seatbelt installation isn't the greatest, but poorly fitted 4 point harnesses will be worse.

Sorry to be boring, but it's a truth worth taking on board.

Harness shoulder straps need a fixing or bar at shoulder height, no lower, else they can put your back in compression. You also need the shoulder straps to be as secure as the waist straps, if the top straps fail you can end up folded in half by the waist belt in an accident.

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