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Q plates

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Whilst we are all drooling over Moglite could Andy explain the Q plate system and how you go about it for those of us who are Techie iliterate? sure there are many on here that would find it interesting and informative/educational.

For instance is Mog road legal? taxed mot'ed? or does it have to be trailered? what are the legal requirements with such a project?

Prop a topic that has been already covered but many of us need telling again!



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20secs of looking in the Tech archive

thanks for that,( i knew it was there) but some ones experiances are far more informative some times then a tech/data non personal write up?

And as Andy's project is "news" at the mo i thought it would be an interesting read more so than some of my OT posts.

Sorry to waste your time.

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hmmm I don't understand, shouldn't it have been issued with an MOT pass as a result of passing an SVA test that it would surely have needed given that it does not have enough original components of any of its donor vehicles?

Chassie ,engine and gearbox are all original, :blink: be it facing the wrong way

it's only got new axles in reality

The donor vehicles was a Q to start with.. SVA has already been done.

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i don't get that, there isn't enough of any of the donors to keep the plate

Point system components

If I remember correctly it was built from all one Range Rover

and it's got new axles and the wheel base has not been shortend or added to

body doesn't count.

Andy did loads of reasurch before the build he is better suited comment than me

As Jez said sumes it up

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not really no, it just looked like an interesting truck and reading through the link you posted I wondered how it would work

I was under the impression you could do what you liked to a 'Q' for the reasons above (within reason) as long as it still gets through a MOT it could be road leagle

Please correct me if I'm wrong (which isn't unusal :blink: )

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I was under the impression you could do what you liked to a 'Q' for the reasons above (within reason) as long as it still gets through a MOT it could be road leagle

Please correct me if I'm wrong (which isn't unusal :blink: )

a while ago you were all talking about what will happen with the new SVA (is that right?)

now here is where i make a complete and utter fool of myself AGAIN and ask.. if.. the above statement by Jules is true... why dont you just all "Q" plate your trucks?

OK i know... stick to your shiney Mandy and dont try to think... its painful for all of us! :D

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Safety laws when applied to vehicles cant (in theory) be made retrospectively (otherwise no one would be able to drive cars more than a few years old) so as a vehicle awarded a Q plate back in the dark depths of history Moglite is exempt from SVA. Vehicles currently being built that arent on old Q's would in theory incurr the SVA wrath unless of course;

i) they dont get caught

ii) they stay inside the regs

iii) they find a findish and inscrutable way to exempt themselves from SVA <_<

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Surely that doesn't mean that the points rules don't still apply? That vehicle when it was adwarded a Q plate was for arguments sake a Rangie of some sort. If you then modify the chassis, change axles, engine, make a body out of tube etc you don't have enough points left to claim its the same vehicle and surely you have to SVA again?

I don't see anywhere in those regs where it says q plates don't fall under those rules? maybe I missed it?

if what you are saying is correct then you can buy any q plate vehicle, fit a body from a sea plane and a lawnmower engine and thats fine so long as it will pass an mot? i find that hard to believe

Safety laws when applied to vehicles cant (in theory) be made retrospectively (otherwise no one would be able to drive cars more than a few years old) so as a vehicle awarded a Q plate back in the dark depths of history Moglite is exempt from SVA. Vehicles currently being built that arent on old Q's would in theory incurr the SVA wrath unless of course;

i) they dont get caught

ii) they stay inside the regs

iii) they find a findish and inscrutable way to exempt themselves from SVA <_<

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no that will be fine. Our local garage will MOT it just fine.

Now then Discoinferno who are you really?

Sean at a guess visiting as he has time to spare perhaps.

undoubtedly a loaded first post then your overly interested posts smells a little odd IMHO

If you are a new real member then i'll apologise.

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Guest diesel_jim
hmmm I don't understand, shouldn't it have been issued with an MOT pass as a result of passing an SVA test that it would surely have needed given that it does not have enough original components of any of its donor vehicles?

No, you get the SVA, then you have to get an MoT afterwards! (well, i did when i SVA'd my 90)

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