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Td4 Hose Collapse


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Hi Folks

Just been having a quick look under the Hippo and ive noticed that I have a collapsed hose. In the left hand corner (when standing in front of the engine) at the back. Ive looked on rave and cannot seem to find the correct section?! What is this hose for and what is the part number? Luckily Im not experiencing any faults with the car yet!



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Right chaps needing some further help! Apparently the Hippo power steering hose is meant to look like this!!! Can a few people please check theirs and let me know if theirs is the same also? Some pics would be nice also :)


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I doubt it's supposed to look like that. If it's only like that when the engine is completely cold, like after sitting all night, then it might be because the hose has collapsed with the vacuum created as the PS fluid cooled and contracted. If it's like that when hot, you may be low on PS fluid. But either way, that would indicate a softening or breakdown of the host and I recommend it's replaced. You can do it yourself. The near end is a quick release fitting, the far end on to the PS gear nearest the firewall is a threaded fitting with an O-ring seal.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I have worked for lr main dealer for many years and have had owners report this one many times but they all do this and please save you money and do not replace the pipe as there is nothing wrong.

Hope this helps

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