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Freelander Knocking


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Well another problem has crept up! My manual Freelander 1 Td4 with 33,000 miles from new has today decided to play up! I am getting a very bad knocking/banging problem which seems to come from the engine. Whilst in neutral you can rev the car as much as you like and its fine. The problem occurs as soon as you drive it! However their is no power lost at all!!! If its started and parked on a hill and it reaches a speed of 6mph (whilst coasting) it will start knocking. Even if you reverse at high speed the knocking will occur. I hope this makes sense as I said its hard to describe. The viscous coupling bearings were replaced with genuine ones 1,500 miles ago. Apart from that the car has been an absloute JOY!

Any advice much appreciated. Cheer

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Is the knocking more noticable when turning and can you tell if it's coming from the left or right of centre? Cound be a front CV joint failure. If it's more from the centre (I hope not) it may be an IRD problem...


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It seems to come from the centre kiwi_110! With the bonnet open and the car off when its pushed back and forward I can hear like a mabley sound as it something has broken?! The car has no power loss of fault codes coming up. Could it jus be a broken engine mount.......



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