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Tracking convert mm to degrees and minutes


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I think this is ok in this section as it could be a more generic question, although this one is related to my 110.

I've just bought a trackace device


and it only measures in degrees and minutes. I was hoping it would tell me how to convert from mm, but it doesnt. So, how do i convert from 0-2mm toe out to x degrees and minutes toe out? I found this:


so is 1mm toe out the same as 8 minutes as in the chart (for a 16inch rim)? Sorry if it seems i've already found the anwser, but i want to check i've got it right (and possibly understand the calculation)!

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correct me if im wrong. but does the land rover manual you have not specify the correct tracking in degrees?

in which case, if the alignment tool does too, then it doesent matter what the meausrement is now, all you should need to do is set it to the correct angle.

as i say, i could be miles off track with this answer...

ill get my coat..

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pythagoras would be your friend here if he was still alive! Where do land rover say to measure the 2mm?

I'll have to crack out the calculator.... IIRC, O/A=tan, O/H=sin A/H=cos.....

I'd have to check where exactly it says to measure from.

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Thats an interesting bit of kit, how does it work?

I think its as VB suggests, it measures the angle on the triangle formed between the two wheels - effectivley allowing you to adjust to the correct distance. Video here demonstrating its use:


I tried to make something to do it manually at the weekend - but i could get the poles i was using accurately at right angles. I was trying to do it on the outside edge of the wheels as there is too much underneath to get to the correct bits of the rims to measure.

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whats wrong with a piece of string? :ph34r:

Nothing at all! The trouble i have is that when i run the string around my 110 as in HFHs thread in the tech archive, it sits about 2mm off of the forward side of the nearside rear tyre. My concern is that this is then throwing out the toe measurement/setting. It was raised before that this is probably well within LR tolerances, but i still dont beleive it allows me to set the tracking accurately. Whether the rear axle is slightly too far forward on the nearside, or if this is just a result of imperfections in the tyre is something i am slowly investigating. Theory is that this tool will hopefully allow me to set the tracking correctly now.

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Thanks Ralph.Dont know what version of the manual i have, but its not in there! I wonder how the same measurement in mm gets converted to two different ranges though... If it was correct above and 1mm is equivalent to 8 degrees, then the 200tdi ranges look correct.

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whats wrong with a piece of string? :ph34r:

Just to follow up, nothing at all apparently. Its almost bang in the middle of the range Ralph quoted above having set it up with string a few months ago and checked it with the trackace this evening.

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mm or degrees, minutes, seconds???

These are two entirely different measurements. One for angles and the other for distance.

If you are going to use distance, you need to be certain what you are measuring from and how far out from the point of origin. The further away, the longer the distance between the true centre and where your tyre is pointing, but you may already be accurate in your settings.

If you are using distance, then it is from the centre of the wheel and the distance from it is irrelevant.

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