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Mr Noisy

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Sounds like one of the high CFM pc fans, I had one before that was loud enough to hear outside the house :blink:

Anyway when you get done playing with the MS install (so probably another couple of years fiddling with maps :P ) it might be worth looking into .... although I'm thinking it's probably not the easiest thing to get to now!

EDIT: This seems to be the most powerful 120mm pc fan on the market at the moment http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130520102730

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For not much more money, you can get something pretty serious looking: http://www.t7design.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=301&zenid=f3d7e9db616d4f1c8026c66e965e0636

8.6Kw (DT one is just 3.5Kw), three speed fans, 150W motor, 4 outlet, actually still pretty compact, and doesn't use a silly PC fan to power it... in something the size of a Disco, it's gotta be like having an asthmatic mouse blowing at you through a candle :P

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yeah i looked at that medium heater but wasnt sure it was necessary!

if it becomes a problem, i will simplu whip the dash out again and improve the dash board demister fittings, would be better boring 50mm through the dash and fitting more efficient free flowing ducts straight through rather than spreading it though the fancy in dash moulded ducting arrangement.

the fan used in the lightweight claims 190cfm!

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I think you may find that fans are a bit more complicated that that unfortunately... free-air I guess the 120mm fan would be able to push that volume, but up against pipework and demister restrictors I guess it won't be able to keep up. Heater fan motors are of a very different design, and probably for a very good reason, in order to overcome the pipework restrictions, I assume it must need to create a higher pressure than the PC fans can generate...

All hypothesis, but maybe someone about has more of an idea on it :)

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Right chaps.

Tuning is going nicely thankyou, won't bother you with nitbits until I get something I feel worth posting BUT





No 12v at spare 1 on the relay board.

Probed the relay board input at got like 12.3 volts, but the S1 output 0v and no continuity either.

Any ideas??! :(

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Relay board schematics:


Looks like it just grounds the tach wire - you could swing it onto the S1 pin at the relay board end.

It doesn't blow the tach up because the tach circuit uses a pullup resistor to +12v and then a small transistor to pull it to ground to generate pulses.

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From the PCB schematics of the V3 board here the above diagram is correct for the ECU. However, for whatever reason, it's different on the relay board. Something from as FF put it 'the very organic nature of the megasquirt evolution'.

What mods have you made inside the ECU for the SPR1 jumper?


Thanks for that, yep the relay board must be different!

It's no problem now that i, and everyone else reading this thread now knows the mod :)

Regards inside the ecu, somewhat ashamedly i opted to have the ecu built by Nige's builder, too much like complex electronics for me perhaps!

As such, i have no idea what has been done, but it uses JS0 and then goes to SPR1.

Cheers! :)

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Relay board schematics:


Looks like it just grounds the tach wire - you could swing it onto the S1 pin at the relay board end.

It doesn't blow the tach up because the tach circuit uses a pullup resistor to +12v and then a small transistor to pull it to ground to generate pulses.


Yep, will simply remove my d37 patch lead and swap the 3 4 5 6 pins at the relay board end to the 25 27 29 31 pins, and then i shall have tacho life :)

Thankyou for your help!


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HI, I have buy the same MS, i think, and i will put on my engine this winter, if you can do a final shema, I will be happy

i have see to the spare on pin 3 4 5 6 , but i don't know what is it ? for what ??

if i have good understand, you will put 3 4 5 6 on the relais card ? yes / no

excuse me for my language , i am french, and all your shema are in english (cheat, why i don"t born in england ?)

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Antoine - the spare pins are for "extra" features like controlling electric fans, shift-light, Nitrous oxide injection, water injection, warning lights, etc.

To use them you must add some components & build a circuit to make it work.

thank you very much,

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