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HI All

Have a Classic Rangie 1984 v8 carb with the 35DM8 distributer and remote under coil amplifier.

In daily use ,been running fine up till now , used wednesday in all the rain and bad weather and was running fine , got it out next day running abit lumpy , put it down to being abit damp at 1st .

The hotter it got the rougher it got ,backfiring and coughing to the piont it would hardly pull it self along. :(

Let it cool down and it reverts back to just abit lumpy.

Coil has been changed with no affect.

Could it possibly be the amplifier?

2nd question is, can you convert from 35DM8 to 35DLM8 with amp on side of distributer. :glare:

All help and advice greatfully appreciated

Regards Guy.

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1st question yes it probably is the amp. 2nd question yes you can, but you can also convert to a high(er)-power GM ignition amp for £25 from the motor factors, there's a write-up in the tech archive - saves disturbing the dizzy and will run a high-power coil for better sparks.

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