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hi all still having a misfire. changed plugs coils and air filter. plugged into a fault reader came up with po302 cyl 2 misfire, po313misfire empty tank think this means no fuel in cylinder. told probably the injector or crankshaft sensor. anyone know which is more likely to fail? or any other ideas appreciated.

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It works out (suspected) misfires based on the time it takes for the pulses to come from the crank sensor, so if one cylinder causes the engine to be turning slower, it assumes that didn't fire properly (http://www.extraefi.co.uk/Drawings/PDF_Files/Tooth_logger.pdf for more explanation of the sensors & signals).

The "misfire" is just a guess based on what the ECU can see, which isn't a lot.

Did you replace the leads?

Crank sensor is more likely to go dodgy than an injector. You can also get leaky O-rings on the inlet manifold, easy to change, can allow air leaks & coolant into the intake which aren't helpful.

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As it is only effecting one cylinder it is more likely to be the injector. Place the end of a large screw driver on the injector and the other end on your ear and listen for the clicking of the injector operating, try it on a good injector first so you know what it should sound like.

you could also try a cylinder balance test, try removing the power from cylinder 3 injector and see if the rpm changes.


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