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Chassis, difference between a standard 110 and a Hi Cap?

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An interesting proposition is looming and I have a few questions:

What’s the differences between a standard 110 chassis and a hi cap 110 chassis... hypothetically speaking how difficult would it be to modify a standard 110 chassis into a hi cap one?

I look forward to the responses... :D


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My hi-cap started it's life as a hard top and I converted it myself. All you need is a few brackets and a tub. You will need to extend a few wires as well if you want the rear lit ;)

It's not a very difficult job to be honest. I have pics on a few other forums - not sure if it's ok to link here to other forums so PM me for links.

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A real Hi-Cap chassis is made of a thicker gauge of steel. i think its 3mm or 3.5mm instead of 2mm thick as per the standard 110.

No it isn't a standard Hi cap runs on exactly the same chassis. I have a Hicap that had a bent chassis from a jack-knifed trailler and I put it on a station wagon chassis, however I chopped a lot of the Hicap chassis up as it was used as repair sections to repair other 90/110s. (Such a shame it was bent about 6" out front to back as it was absolutely mint with not a spot of rust)

a HD Hicap or any other HD 110 has a double thickness overplated chassis (which rusts really badly)

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Agreed to rusting really badly!! I cut a 6 inch square hole in one of the chassis sections to make a repair, and i shone a torch inside and sure enough all of the inside skin of metal had entirely rusted and delaminated. I re-chassid this summer, with a Richards chassis. They are the ones who gave me the impression that a Hi - Cap was made from a thicker gauge.

I have just read some info on the Richards website. It states the standard thickness to be 2mm, but they manufacture in 2.5mm. This is where i was getting confused sorry.

One thing i do know is that Richards dont laminate two pieces together, which is good.

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