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Volvo C202 build

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Dan, can you get on with this please?

I periodically come back to this forum, chiefly to see what has happened to this build. Nicest vehicle on here for a while, I think.

Come on!


I am trying to get on with it Al, I just never seem to find the time.

I'm honored you find it interesting, you really should get back into your 4x4's your Fab skills and workshop equipment would make for some good reading.

These are my latest purchases, should be handy for putting the cab back together.


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Dan's workshop is not some unattainable palace of fabrication, any more than the lab, or Miketomcat's. It's the person in the workshop, the work ethic, attention to detail, quality... basically great engineering.

Let's face it, there's been plenty of people on the scene with bigger and nicer workshops and loads of expensive gear who've failed to produce anything, or who turn out half-baked tut. Those who know Dan will know that in between personal projects he might post here, he's turning out cars & modifications for other people too - reckon Dan (re)builds more cars in a year than the rest of the forum put together. And from personal experience I know that Dan (and Mike) can turn out similar quality up to their nipples in swamp.

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Dan's workshop is not some unattainable palace of fabrication, any more than the lab, or Miketomcat's. It's the person in the workshop, the work ethic, attention to detail, quality... basically great engineering.

Not unattainable - but requires the right balance of hard work, talent, and opportunity.

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FF you are bang on the money,

i have been fortunate enough to work with a proper old school welder fabricator, who knows more than any book will ever tell you. in the 12 months (3-4 months on and off) i have worked with him i have learned more than i have ever learned at uni or through my own projects etc. he seems to be able to teach without you even realise your being taught. My fabrication work went from okay (welder in the right conditions i would be fine) to being able to lay a really nice looking weld upside down,

and the rest. its all about learning how to measure properly and use patience. I can now confidently measure up a widget in dead space, and go away, fabricate a bracket and know that it will fit first time, perfectly. whereas before i had to drill 0.5-1mm oversize holes to make sure it will fit. that is no linger an issue. if i want to pick up on 2 m8 bolts, i will drill them out with an 8.0 clearance bit and i can be confident it will fit.

the right tools does help, but IMO only really speeds up the path to the same quality end result!

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From what I've seen talent and opportunity "just happen" to people who are putting in a hell of a lot of hard work.

There's an old saying about this - which states something like - out of talent, hard work, and correct tuition .... Talent is the least important as you have what you have and hard work can make up for more than people think - whilst correct tuition is the most important - because great talent and great hard work could not expect to rediscover all the knowledge of a trade.

I do take your point though - but I do also think hard work is easier for something you have a passion - and that people do have talents in different areas.

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DD is a bit busy scrutineering on KOV (aparently not making friends as he failed quite a few cars). Still, his head will grow twice the size when he reads all this.

Keep it going mate!


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DD is a bit busy scrutineering on KOV (aparently not making friends as he failed quite a few cars). Still, his head will grow twice the size when he reads all this.

Keep it going mate!


You mean after that enormous thread on d4x4 where competitors could ask questions directly to the scrutineer and rule makers some of them still failed? What a waste of entry fees

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The really annoying thing is he's a genuinely nice guy so you can't even hate him :)

Come on boys stop blowing smoke up my arse.......

You mean after that enormous thread on d4x4 where competitors could ask questions directly to the scrutineer and rule makers some of them still failed? What a waste of entry fees

You couldn't make it up Lewis, only 4 out of 45 competitors vehicles passed first time!

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