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Forum Announcement - DirtyDiesel joins as New Moderator

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Hi All,

Just a quick announcement regarding 'DirtyDiesel' who joins as a LR4x4 Moderator for the new

"Modified Vehicle Builds & Special Projects Forum" - which whilst new is already proving very popular.

Whilst DD may take a while to settle in and work out how all the new buttons works, do feel free

to join us in welcoming him, and wishing him well in supporting LR4x4 as our newest Mod :D

Welcome DD :)

The LR4x4 A&M Team

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This appointment confirms my suspicion that DD is twins. No one person can be a family man, hold down a day job,have 7 build projects on the go at the same time, and then take on the time consuming task of moderating the fast expanding modified vehicles forum! Congratulations Dan, (I think). :i-m_so_happy:

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I'm sure the articulation , power distribution and directional stabiltity of this new build forum will be well looked after :i-m_so_happy:

I for one am enjoying the threads on here , new and old , and Bill , its great to see you around ;) , I love your take on builds

The more time I spend on here the more I like the the people on here , both those I know personally and those I know from posts only



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Good choice! Dan would get my vote (for what little that's worth!).

I also agree that it's good to have Bill Van on here - as he's probably the most grown-up of the techies I've come across by virtue of having actually tried it, rather than just speculating - which applies to Dan too in great measure.


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I was ready to vote for Bill as Austrailan Premier as he's a top bloke

Dan's okay as well

Thanks, but we don't actually have an Australian Premier per sei. We have 5 State Premiers and a Prime Minister, and to be honest, a sheep herders dog couldn't do a worse job of running (or is that ruining?) the country than she has for the last 3 years. another Maggie Thatcher she aint. :rtfm::angry2::offtopic: :Sorry.

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