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Google Nexus 7 as Navigation device?

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I've been looking into this as I have one. Some sturdy holders are available.

I'll probably use google maps. You can download up to 70 MB of map in chunks for use off line. I'm not too interested in being navigated, just want to see a high detail map when I'm somewhere near.

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Thanks for the thoughts chaps. I'll need both 'town and country mode', i.e. turn-by-turn (as new job involves jumping in and out of hire cars) as well as something for off-road navigation at the weekend. This means I can leave the dedicated DaveDave Satnav box in the daily driver for SWMBO.

Seriously tempted to pick up one at the airport tomorrow and see how it goes...unless anyone can come up with any alternative for similar money.

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I have a couple of Nexus 7 here. They seem to be a good piece of kit. Google Nav works well on road. I've only used it in US, but I understand its released in UK now.

As above, memory map is very good off road and is now available on android.



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Another vote for Google Navigation here too. Works perfectly on the road.

A feature I noticed in London recently whilst in the V&A museum - not only did Google Maps have a floor by floor plan of the museum, but the navigation by foot feature worked to find an exit! (Not that I needed it, but I was just interested to see if it would)

It'll also do navigation by public transport - for example telling you when to get off the bus, or the best time to start heading for a tube station.

It's getting a bit ridiculous really, but I still can't help in being impressed.

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Hi Mike

Google Nav app was pre-loaded. i checked my sons one too, which is a UK bought one and that has it too, here it is circled in apps view...


Opening screen...


And 3D Sat Nav view with voice directions...


As you can see its quite different to directions in Google Maps.



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I left my garmin at home yesterday and used the google sat nav on my Lenovo tablet for the first time, worked fantastically well.

For anyone looking for a tablet the Lenovo 7" is worth a look - its the only one which takes a sim card (without going on a contract). £149 and I have a £5 a month data sim from t mobile. Bargain.

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You can usually access Google Navigation from the normal maps view as well, if you get it to do directions and plot a route on the normal maps view, you can bring up the options menu and choose navigate, and it launches the proper Nav app.

When the nav app is running it should stop the tablet/phone going to sleep.

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Thanks Steve, Found what you meant. Now to learn to use it.

Just another thought. How do I keep the Nexus switched on all the time ?

I think it should stay on when navigation is running? If not, then plugging it into a power source and changing your power settings should sort that -you want it on charge anyways really, navigation is pretty power hungry.

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Thanks Steve, Found what you meant. Now to learn to use it.

Just another thought. How do I keep the Nexus switched on all the time ?

i use an app called caffeine on my note 2 as i couldnt find a way to keep memory map on without it timing out, now turn on caffeine and the screen stays on until you want to shut it down

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I made a mount to hold my 10" Android tablet on the dash, Google nav and Backcountry Navigator are my weapons of choice - BCN is compatible with European maps to and stores offline or loads live (incl OS mapping) as required. As a bonus the camera on the back also pokes over the top of the dash so it'll video forward too -though I wouldn't recommend looking at it and trying to drive, too scary!

Udderly - I work in Bristol, give me a call if you want to see what it is and how it's working.

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