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Interchangeable Prop Shafts

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I spent a happy hour changing the diff pinion seal on the front axle on my 1987 90 v8 today.

Thanks to Les for a simple how to in the technical archive.

The front prop is past its best, so I had a look at the part number on it...

The part on it is FRC8386, which shows as a front prop for a RRC and defender post 1995,

Presume it's been swapped in the past by a previous owner.

My parts book says FRC6243 which I can get a Hardy Spicer replacement, but it's twice as much as the RRC part. Perhaps that's why the previous owner put the 8386 one on?

Anybody know what the difference is or if it matters?



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Thanks Western. The diameter is the same as the rear one I think.


This makes it look like the one I have is for later V8s.

My vin is AA299xxx, and the page says post CA254407.

It seemed to fit ok, and has been superseded by TVB100610.

Not sure which to get....


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I'm not sure what rilsan is, but the seal over the sliding joint is split and there's plenty of dirt in there. I thought that you can only replace the UJ's and not the centre joint.

Are there any definitive lengths I can look up?

It's a factory v8 with split case lt85 and lt230

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rilsan is the yellow coating on the sliding joint splines, as it's split a new prop is the best option.

I'd go for the item the parts book states for your vehicle.in my upto 1986 parts book it says FRC8386 for a V8 5 spped box. as you've found it's been superseded by TVB100610, so if it was my 90 I would go for that new part number.

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Thanks Western. I looked in Microcat to get the FRC6243 part number. It has an FRC8386 on it currently. What's the gospel for part numbers? It's a 1987 car, although the A in the vin seems to indicate 1984 on most vin decode sites.

So confusing.....

Cheers for your advice


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