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Coolant loss - a.k.a. "TD5 Stress Incontinence".

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My 90TD5 has - for something like 10,000 miles - been losing small amounts of coolant; maybe 1/2 litre every 1000 miles, but only really when I've been working it hard which has led to my description of the car as having 'stress incontinence' issues.

Recently it started getting worse to the point where it's doing a litre every 1000 miles and I can see the dreaded pink powdery stains down the side of the auxiliary unit housing from where coolant's obviously emerging from the water pump weep-hole.

Time for a new water-pump: it looks a pain to fit (popping the rotary filter-housing from the side of the engine to get access should do the trick though).

Will be studiously avoiding anything that comes in a blue box. Are there any other non-OEM brands to seek out/avoid, or should I just bite my lip and let the credit-card feel the pain for "Land Rover Genuine Parts" ??


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I only ever use genuine,I also dont take off the rotor housing - its a bit tight,but can be done....

Sounds a good approach: given the inaccessibility of the pump I'd really not want to go through the whole replacement-process again in a year's time - or worse lose the coolant and cremate the head-gasket or something - because a 'cheap-at-the-time' £15 'Blue Box' part failed.

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