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Core plugs on a 200Tdi. Is there one at the front of the block?


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Hi all

I have had a little water leak on my 200Tdi Disco for a while but I have never been able to track it down until Saturday. I was changing the belts on the front when I noticed there was water sat on top of the timing chest, just below the thermostat housing.

I changed the gasket behind the thermostat housing yesterday but while it was all apart I noticed that there is a gap behind the timing chest where it meets the block. Does anyone know if this is this a core plug or just the way the block is formed?

I am hoping that the gasket I have just replaced will fix the leak because if it doesn't then I suspect it will be either the headgasket or it could be this core plug, if one actually exists there. If this is a core plug and it needs replacing then that is a right nightmare as the whole of the front of the engine will have to be removed. Although I could change it all for a serpentine 300Tdi front...


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