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Ineffective Brakes

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I've a spot of bother with my brakes.

Braking results in a hard pedal without much braking.

Lack of servo assistance methinks and indeed the brake pedal does not sink on starting the engine.

The vacuum pump has a nice sharp suck on the skin of my thumb on tick over so I assume thats OK.

What else am I looking for Gents, how to test the remaining parts and suggestions.



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Yes, the servo-casing can crack, then all the "suck" produced by the vac-pump goes to waste.

The test is: with the engine stopped, pump the brake-pedal vigorously 6 or 8 times to exhaust any retained vacuum from the servo.

Then, with a light pressure on the pedal, start the engine.

If the servo is servo-ing, the pedal should go down as the vacuum from the engine builds up.

If the pedal goes down, switch the engine off, wait 30 seconds and release the pedal.

Then apply pressure to the pedal again. If it feels 'harder' than before then the vacuum's all escaped!

Note-for-reference: it takes me about 20 minutes to replace a Defender servo. No need to break the hydraulics/bleed the brakes if you know what to do.

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Tanuki, there's no movement at all on the pedal on starting the engine.


If the pedal's hard with the engine not-running and doesn't get lighter when the engine is running it all points to the servo truly not fulfilling its servoing-duties.

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I have a similar problem but when I turn the engine off I can hear the hissing like a kettle which is the vacum escaping.

I have pull the master cylinder off and the rubber on servo is split and perished if I wobble the rod you can her the hiss.

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I've had a very similar problem with my brakes - did the servo and master cylinder and they worked great for a couple of months but now brakes are near non-existent. Tried the test above to ascertain servo's servoiness with very poor results. No cracks around master cylinder joint, any other hot spots to have a look at? Is there a way to test the servo on it's own to show it has failed? I'm thinking 2-3 months is certainly within warranty...

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After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

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After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

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After fittibg my servo this weekend I only have good brake on the first press of the pedal every time I press pedal after that the effective ness of the brake is reduced and the pedal gets harder. I have swap the vac pump and same surely my servo should do better then that.

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