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Kickstarter - selling your clever mods


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A thought struck me today that kickstarter might be a very good system for members to get clever modifications from other members.

If you dont know, kickstarter is a web based company that allows anyone to start a project and try to raise funding for that project http://www.kickstarter.com/

Essentially your backers pledge money to get you enough to get the project made, and in return they get the finished item and maybe a reward if they paid more. The important thing is you dont actually pay any money until the project is completely funded, so if no one else pledges you dont lose any money.

Just thought it might be very useful here if someone comes up with a particularly clever mod that lots of people would be interested in it could be made and everyone would get one.

I dont work for them or anything, just seen it get good results in other areas (I play wargames as well as mess with land rovers!).

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I've looked at Kickstarter - but will hold off until I come up with something really clever (and expensive).

Reading the projects that have received funding, you could be forgiven for thinking that you stand no chance unless it has a USB Port or BlueTooth! ;)


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.... you could be forgiven for thinking that you stand no chance unless it has a USB Port or BlueTooth! ;)


Lol, I have bought a product that only came into being due to kickstarter, an ubertooth ... it's both usb and bluetooth :) In all seriousness I doubt it would exist without kickstarter which would be a great shame.

I do think that kickstarter is a good idea, and surely it's down to advertising it to your particular audience if you get your project on there.

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