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Rear Wiper


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Hi All

Is there a common fault with the Rear Wiper Motor that is easily fixable, or cheaply fixable? Whilst I can't see much out of mine (dog guard + metal grille on the back window) it is getting a bit grubby now after nearly 6 months of it not being working.

Now, I know what you'll say, "Why don't you just wipe the window Alex?" - well, that would be a slippery slope, if I clean the back window, it would look odd, so I'd have to clean the rest of the truck, and well, I really can't be bothered.

Ok, so fixing the rear wiper would take longer and probably cost more than washing the truck too, but it's the principle at hand dammit!

So, any clever info would be appreciated.


Grubby, From Bristol.

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The question I would start with is to ascertain if the fault is with the wiper motor/unit or if it is an electrical issue, perhaps in your switch or in its power supply, has anything else stopped working lately?.

To do this I would remove the rear door card and then hot wire the motor unit from a 12 volt source to see if it still works, then you can work backwards into the wiring/switches that control the use of the rear wiper.

What Discovery have you got btw?

Best Wishes


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