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1992 Discovery Caliper bolt .. confirmation


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I've just changed the wheel bearings on a front wheel and had to remove the caliper which didn't want to come off due to very tight caliper bolts - consequently these are a bit chewed even after a clean up with a file ... I eventually found a couple of new ones I bought a while ago which turned out to be the wrong size for a newer (96) Discovery (how the hell many different Disco caliper bolts are there??) only to find they are still the wrong size ..... - I think the bolts in this caliper are UNF and not the more common? metric version that a lot of parts suppliers seem to claim fit everthing from about 1988 to 1998.....

these are the beasties DSCF0377_zpsf0bf8b4a.jpg

Can anyone confirm they are what I think they are please i.e. BOLT CALIPER FIXING FRONT 7/16 UNF (571910) - they seem to be quite a lot more expensive than the metric version.



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Thanks - massive difference in price between UNF and metric isn't there, ans at one extreme one of the parts suppliers is selling a genuine Land Rover bolt for £76.something I think it was ... the LRseries price will do for me.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought both types when I rebuilt my front axle with the 24 spline hardware in as opposed the 10 spline original, also a 1992, but interestingly I stripped my old front axle from my 1998 D1 for the parts and that actually had the 7/16th UNF caliper bolts in too!! so got extra spares now :lol:

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My unf bolts were tight in the caliper, which may have caused a lug to break off. The replacement caliper doesn't use the bolt shank as a dowl? (I dont think much does these days). So the accurate shank may be an unecessary cost where a high grade bolt would do. Although there is a risk of a changed-specification part holding your brakes together.

From a production engineers position I'd say one accurate dowl-bolt and one clearance fit would have been better for the OE. To get the swivel housing and the caliper holes exactly the right distance appart seems a hell of an ask! (especially with land rovers general quality :) )

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