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Indicators - 200Tdi - what to pull apart first?

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Left hand indicators are blowing fuse 5 - I have disconnected front and rear indicators and fuse 5 still blows when stalk moved. However, IT TAKES LONGER TO BLOW. Horn was not working either - assumed it was also on fuse 5, but no. It is on fuse 1. I changed fuse 1 and the GREEN INDICATOR LIGHT ON THE DASH COMES ON AND STAYS ON. Looking at the wiring diagram, I think that I should be looking at the stalk, as that is the place where the two circuits come together. What do you think?

I am not keen to get involved in the wiring loom down the front wings unless I have to! I am aware that chafing in this area can cause problems, but if the problem lies elsewhere - and if this can be confirmed by someone whose eyes do not glaze over when presented with a wiring diagram - I will go down that route first!

Many thanks!


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  • 2 months later...

Right! I've changed the flasher relay.

Fuse 5 is intact and has been checked for continuity.

I have had a look at the hazard switch as per the checks outlined in a brilliant thread elsewhere on this forum. Think it's fine.

I have had the cowl off the steering column to have a look at the indicator stalk and....

don't know what I'm looking for.

I know that I should be looking for continuity where there should be none - and logically should be checking this back from the multiconnector block, but not sure which terminals to check - is there a thread elsewhere on here that I haven't found yet?



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Do you mean the connections within the black block connector, which connects the indicator stalk to the loom? Or the connections within the indicator stalk itself?

I also have realised that I have no horn either - which could all be connected... The horn has its own earth according to the wiring diagram, so that could be loose, but if it were that would be a big coincidence. My plan is to go down the 'sort out indicators first and hope that the horn sorts itself out in the process' route. If the horn still does not work I will start to remove light bars etc etc to get to the horn...


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