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No power to dip or main beam fuses..

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Morning all,

Major rebuild ongoing on a 110 ex-200tdi.

I've added a few accessories and replaced the supply to the headlights using relayed circuits, piloted by the old supply cables.

I was intending to use the old dip fuse to power some accessories but now don't have any power to it.

The side lights work, the wiper motor runs, there is power to the ign switch via the heavy brown wire and switched power is being supplied to the heavy white wire from the ign switch.

So, the question is: where do the blue/white cables that supply the dip & main beam fuses get supplied from? I've got a nasty feeling there must be a really difficult to reach splice in the loom behind the dash but was looking for some advice before I start stripping it down...

Thanks for any help or tips!

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