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Welding gloves, quick Q

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Hi all,

Quick question, does anyone know of gauntlets or gloves that have a thinner palm than back?

I've been doing some heavy stick work in tight spaces, and have recently twatted the knuckles on my right hand.

My thin gloves don't stop the heat well enough, and my gauntlets are too thick to hold the stick holder. The obvious answer to this is a pair of gloves with thinner palms than backs. Can I find them? No.

Any ideas?



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My gauntlets are all leather, including the inside of the fingers, which is where the problem arises. I've looked at tig gloves, but there seems to be a convention of making the back of the glove out of the same stuff as the palm. This means that the thin dextrous tig gloves are thin and dextrous on the back too... which doesn't keep much heat out. I'm tempted to try the aluminiumised-leather backed gloves, but I'm afraid that they'll be really thick in the finger too, and at £12 a pop, I'd rather know before I buy them.

Liberally lathering the leathered knuckles in arnica has meant they're moving a lot more, and wrapping my lighter gloves in tin foil has meant I got a fair bit done today. Not an ideal solution though!

I'll have a chat with the guys in the welding shop in town on monday, and see if they've got much to say on the matter.

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