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Get out of jail free card


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Worst case scenario -- Broken down in the middle of nowhere and your mobile`s battery has just died, and you cannot charge it off the lighter socket etc...

Almost everybody has a redundant phone lying around the house. Buy a new cheap Sim and store your numbers. Put £10 pay as you go credit on it. Charge it fully - then turn it off and hide somewhere in your vehicle.

Mine is tied up in an old black sock. Turned off the battery lasts for months.

I worry about Wife and daughter driving on their own at night so they are kitted out with a spare as well.

Pass Go and collect 200 Brownie points off her indoors.



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Yes they will deactivate the sim if you don't use it for a certain period of time, I have a figure of six months in my mind for some reason.

You're better off just having the spare phone charged up and then swapping the sim from your (dead) phone into it to make a call. Assuming the spare phone is on the same network or unlocked sim-wise it will work. Obviously you'll want to make sure you either know the numbers you need, store them on the sim, or store them on the spare phone as well.

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Good point about use or lose guys. I didnt know that.

I like spares because they are interchangeable and I think I put them on a different network so you might get a signal when your main phone has no reception. Will check and use fone in a minute.

Also my missus is a serious competition freak and she uses hers for text entries because she refuses to use her own smart fone.

Problem is she will probably nick mine if she forgets to top up hers! Still she`s won us a very luvly holiday courtesy of B.A. so I aint complaining. :i-m_so_happy:

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