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2002 Defender TDI

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Hi All,

I stupidly left the lights on my Landy on last week and returned to find a dead battery. It died at work, so I needed to remove the battery to charge it. Having charged the battery, and verified it is charged with a multimeter, the Landy is now totally dead electrically.

I can see 12 voltage across the battery but nowhere else.

I've probed all fuses, including those under the drivers seat and none have any volts. I thought "immobiliser" but there is no red light on the dash, and looking at the circuit diagram there is nothing between the battery and fuse 7 which goes into the ECU. Fuse 7, as the with the others, has no volts on either side.

Either I am missing something or gremlins have chewed through a wire at exactly the same time as the battery went flat. I know which one I suspect.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

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There is a heavy wire that takes power to the under seat fuse box. This is connected to the bolt on the positive terminal clamp. if this is not connected you will have no power to anything except the starter motor which is supplied by the big red wire.

Check that you've not forgotten to connect this or that it's not been broken in the process of removing the battery.



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What voltage are you getting across the battery exactly? 12v is not enough to start it at all.

It should be above 12.4.

If it was let go completely flat it may take a few days charge to get it back to life. Even then there is a chance that it is dead and unrecoverable.


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It sounds like you have missed one of the connections to the battery, or that they are not tight. Even if the battery was iffy you'd expect to get some indication of life.

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