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Classic Seat Height

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Hi All,

I have a 92 Classic SE with electric seats. It's also got a sunroof - may have plans later to change to non sunroof type as it also has air con) but in the meantime I'm 6' 4" and end up driving with my head on the head lining. Does anyone know of any simple ways of gaining some more headroom?

Not really fussed about the electric seats (junking them will save a ton of weight) so unless there are any easy tricks I guess I might just have to invest in some rally seats with thinner bottoms?



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Have you managed to drop the front and rear seat height, i.e. are the switches working?

Very common failure, especially in that plane as they don't get used as much as forward-back and tilt.

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The earlier seats used to sit on 4 aluminium spacers, I'm not sure if the electric seats did too. I'm 6'5 and of a larger frame so my first port of call would be to remove these spacers from the seats on my own vehicles.

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My electric seats were on the 4 spacers, if you can remove them it would maybe give you an inch or two. I've changed the drivers seat to a manual and will do the passenger one when I get around to it.

Anyone know if you can swap the electric winders for manual? :unsure:

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My electric seats were on the 4 spacers, if you can remove them it would maybe give you an inch or two. I've changed the drivers seat to a manual and will do the passenger one when I get around to it.

Anyone know if you can swap the electric winders for manual? :unsure:

In the quest for leather manual seats we recovered some manual seat frames with the leather from a pair of later electric ones. Worked quite well!

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Hi Cynic-Al,

The seat rails appear to bolt straight down onto the mounting brackets which are welded to the floor. Where should I look for the spacers?

Bowie - tried the passenger seat and that definitely goes up and down in the vertical - the drivers seats switch is a bit temperamental - I will try the WD40 trick. I reckon judging by the relevant heights the drivers seat could go down another inchish.....every little helps right now.

Just out of interest are the manual seats lower?



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