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Depends what it's for! The chassis harness for rear/trailer lighting goes underneath in conduit along the chassis rail as per factory. The wire to the CB aerial goes along the inner roof gutter. If I were to install further electrical items to the rear roof such as speakers or lighting then I would probably run the wires along the top. But if I was adding power sockets lower down in the back for example I'd likely route that underneath, or inside along the floor level of the vehicle.

Doesn't really matter at the end of the day :)

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If you are likely to go snorkelling with your baby, I'd put the wires and any connections as high up the body as possible. If you put wires under the body, plastic conduit with marine silicon sealant (better than ordinary silicon from diy stores) will stop water ingress and wire corrosion.

If you are gonna stay mostly dry, it doesnt matter where you route it, it will get caked in mud and road salt so again plastic conduit. I have rewired mine with double redundant wiring so if anything starts to cause problems I have a spare wire running along side I can switch to, and plenty of additional wiring for future upgrades.


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