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Disco 3 suspension compressor


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A friend of mine is trying to replace his broken compressor for a new one, and looking for it he found this one, supposed to be the last in the superseeded line. HOwever, it mentions that this compressor needs some modifications and software upgrade. Is easy to upgrade the software with generic scanner? how invasive are the needed modifications? would it be better to just install the old one?


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I think you would be lucky to get one of the old types,LR have been supplying the new ones for a while now.The mods to the pipework are simple and only take a couple of minutes to do.

The software upgrade is not going to get done with a generic scanner, LR's SDD took 5 mins and 31 secs to do it last time I did one.Autologic can do it,but I'm not sure if any of the Blackbox systems will do it.Or indeed,if there are any other diagnostic tools that will do it.

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That is the correct and latest AMK air suspension compressor kit, I have Blackbox solutions tool, have not done one myself with my tool but was assured by the the manufacturer it is all up to date and can be done.

Please tell your friend to renew the relay that comes with the kit, don't think it is just a waste of time.

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