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Series 3 200tdi temp reading low


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Im after some advice / suggestions.. :)

Problem being, the temperature gauge is reading low. - As in after running for an hour or so, the needle is only at the bottom of the 'C' section.

Possible causes:

1) Sender at fault - it is a brand new Series sender, and (i'm almost certain) the old 200tdi sender gave the same reading. (Never really ran it long enough to fully test, though).

2) Bad sender earth - when shorting the wire to the sender,,, to the body of the sender, gauge goes to full showing earth is okay.

3) Faulty gauge - as above,, gauge does go to full when shorted.

4) Faulty voltage stabiliser - Is a brand new unit, and im getting a steady 10-point-something volts from it. Also, the fuel guage works as expected (well, almost (when the tank is full, the gauge reads 3/4, and fluctuates occasionally. When shorting the wire to earth, the gauge will sit still at 'Full' - I'm putting the fluctuations down to a bad fuel sender? ))

Do you have any suggestions on what this might be, or what i can try, to find the problem?


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Was the sender one of the Steve Parker specials? I have read others on here having trouble with those. Just use a genuine sender for the year your vehicle was made as there were a few different types over the years.

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The low reading fuel gauge would have me looking at the voltage stabiliser and it's earth on the back of the gauges. Are the gauges earthed by a separate earth or just indirectly through the instrument light earths or whatever? The fuel sender is a low resistance at full which is unlikely to be at fault and it shouldn't fluctuate as the gauges are so well damped the one common link is the stabiliser. Stick a solid state one in and don't short it out.

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This unit is from a range rover 300tdi and fits 200tdi engine recommended by Glencoyne engineering works ok in mine sits just below red line.

Engine has 88 degree stat fitted so I do not expect it to be on the N mind some others that have fitted it say theirs sit just above the N.


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I use a genuine SIII sender, and with the 88oC stat get a steady temperature smack i the middle of the normal arc (the lower edge of the needle touches the top left corner of the "N"). If you don't want to pay for a genuine sender, try Bearmach - they're the only pattern supplier I trust. But people should really start to learn that cheap deals on the net, especially ebay, and particularly for unbranded parts, often cost more in the long run. Pattern might be fine for non-essential items like trim, but for mechanical or essential electrics, OEM is always the safest bet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's still being a right PITA. :(

What i've done so far is swap the voltage stabiliser to another (same results - fuel works, temperature doesnt) Oddly though, it worked without earthing the body of the stabiliser..?

I have also tried the old 200tdi sender. Sat it in boiling water for a while, then connected it up, and earthed the body - no change on gauge.

Makes me think its the gauge, but as i say, when i shorted out the sender before, the gauge would go to full.

When on an hour & half journey yesterday, the gauge only went up so far as the bottom of the "C" section. Surely this isnt right?


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Sorry, should have been clearer.

I have a Series 3 sender fitted (with the thread adapter) to the engine, all connected up to the standard Series 3 gauges.

I simply tried the 200 sender that came out of the engine, to try and eliminate possible causes of the problem - i read that the 200 sender will read too high, so i was expecting an incorrect reading; i just wanted to see if that part was working or not.

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I was just reluctant to buy and change the sender unless i was sure it was this at fault - but as when the 200 tdi sender (original & genuine) was connected up, it still showed no change on the gauge, let alone a too-high reading, i thought that the odds of having 2 faulty senders were fairly slim.

But, it seems like this is the only/next step?!.. So i'll order another, and try that...

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I sympathise with you and understand your dilemma, but sender units are notoriously unreliable when not sourced as a genuine part, and if the 200Tdi sender is giving the same indications as the new sender, then I think it's highly likely the new sender is inaccurate or even mis-labelled. Similar discussions in other threads have suggested that most senders marketed by non-franchised LR specialists as ideal for Tdi retrofits don't work. Before you spend a lot of time and effort chasing a list of faults that probably don't exist, try a Genuine Parts petrol engine sender for the year of your vehicle. It shouldn't cost the Earth, and will be much cheaper than replacing thermostats, gauges, radiators, water pumps and so on...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Defender and Discovery senders are incompatible with SII or SIII gauges.

Sorry Nick, whole heartedly disagree. Should be incompatible yes. I however am running a genuine 200TDi Disco sender unit in my 200TDi, and using the original Series 3 gauge in the dash. With an independent gauge to check, when the stat opens at 88oC, confirmed by my VDO gauge, the Series 3 needle sits bang in the middle of the 'N'. Don't ask me why, but it's working perfectly.

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Its original series 3 wiring so running off the regulator. We literally took the 2286 out and plugged in the 119J, then we took the 19J out and plugged in the TDi. No modifications to that side of the wiring were made. We fitted the TDi long before we discovered that there was apparently and issue with connecting the two together.

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