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fitting Britpart exhaust


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Hi again

Defender 90. 1998 300TDi

Just fitted rear end exhaust, thats the bit from back of rear box that goes over rear axle and bends out just behind rear wheel in front of rubber mud flap.

Well, the welded on hanging bracket on the new Britpart exhaust is just about 40mm closer to the outlet end of the exhaust than the original. This means I have to force the new exhaust inward toward centre of vehicle to catch the welded hook onto the support rubber on the underside of vehicle. This has the effect of moving the whole exhaust pipe close to the chassis and it will bang on any bumps. Also pushing it inward causes the tailpipe to go against the back of rubber mudflap and will melt it.

i have attached a photo and shown the measurement of the Britpart exhaust. That is 185mm from the very end or the exhaust to the weld of the bracket, ie, shortest distance between the two. My old exhaust measures 225mm to the same points.

I went back to supplier, they got out another Britpart exhaust and it is the same as the one they supplied me, measuring 185mm. their suggestion was i cut the bracket off and re weld in the correct position to suit my car. Thats ok, I can do that and I will, but why should I?

Now either Britpart are making them wrong or I have a none standard exhaust/vehicle, how can I tell?

Can anyone confirm the correct measurements from their Defender?

I can then see if Britpart are at fault and if i should follow it up..



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You are supposed to fit Britpart parts?

News to me!

Seriously, though, Britpart have worked hard to have a reputation as a supplier of the worst fitting and badly designed rubbish. I DO use their parts, but only when I know that they are good, in other words, those parts that slipped past quality control.

Buy another brand, or weld up the one you have - that's the choice, really.

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Well you live and learn, and I will have to think twice about buying anything Britpart now, especially as when I spoke to them on the phone they were really unhelpful and could not give a dam, as if they cant be wrong, because evidently they buy them in by the 1000s (don't make them themselves) and then send them out to their trade outlets when they get the orders in, and no one has said they are wrong before!

Or maybe they just haven't recorded the fact or done anything about it as per my phone call.

I have removed the new exhaust and shall grind the welds off to remove the bracket and re-weld it back in the correct place.

I shall write to Britpart to complain, and send them photos of the old and new exhausts side by side, and show the re-welding. Not that I expect any recompense, but at least they should record it then.

So thanks to you all for your input on this.


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I fitted a Britpart exhaust to my 88". I had to extensively modify it to fit.

That might, however, have been something to do with the 300TDi in the front, and the fact that I bought a system for a 300TDi defender, not an 88".

In all seriousness though - the only reason why I bought Britpart was that I knew I would have to chop it about and wanted the cheapest possible option.

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Sale of Goods Act - send it back, full refund AND any postage returned thanks. If you have to fanny about to fit it and do some bodges, and another bit fails and you need it replaced under warranty they'll say sorry you messed around with it. Also - if you want another section to fit it you may need to buy ****part again.

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Did you order the correct tailpipe?

There are two tailpipes for the 300TDi 90 and the only difference is the location of the hanging bracket that you seem to be having problems with (it points to the O/S on ESR3463 and to the N/S on ESR2382). Some suppliers sell a universal pipe which has a "T" bracket instead.

I purposly bought a Britpart tailpipe last time as they were supplying Bosal systems at the time (a very well known & respected OE supplier) and it was by far an away the cheapest way of getting a quality part. I don't know if they are still using them, is there a name stamped into the silencer?

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