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Hybrid from Hell takes a tumble

Off Road Toad

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Ouch. I did that when I was a kid. We were playing at being paratroops jumping off next doors coal bunker but I fell off and hit the back of me head hard. Was out cold for five minutes.

Never been the same since..................apparently.

Hope theres no lasting damage.

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I'm just waiting for Nige to announce his next big project, a DIY CAT scanner, so he can check himself after his accidents, as he is normally one for DIY surgery :hysterical:

Surely a HfH-DIY CAT Scanner would just report the CAT is mysteriously covered in Waxoyl?

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I wonder if this will make his typing any better?


Could we convince him he has amnesia and was about to go Diesel ?

That would be plain mean... and evil, cunning, genius - just the sort my missus would come up with :hysterical:

Oh how hard it is not to laugh when one hears that Nige has had another mis-hap..

He was only standing in my garage a couple of weeks ago, and the subject of his not having had a trip to A&E for while arose.

Hope you're back on your feet and feeling better soon old fella, and able to operate your story teller's keyboard :)

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Quick Update

"Kin Ow" :blush: sort of sums me up today .........

Steve brought around his Series 3 for me to attack with the power washer. It was delivered strapped to the Trailer on my driveway

I should have known about this - poking a rusty bit of chassis with my finger the chassis cracked inwards and then trapped my pinkey...

some squeaking and pinkey was retrived,........ F thing bit me :lol:

I had just finished power washing the roof, and stood down on the bonnet spare wheel, cleaned bonnet roof windscreen etc and them put

the lance down and decided to step off the wheel onto the Series Bumper.

'Bugger' - what annoys me is I do not like heights at all and had even looked down and checked carefully, but between that and stepping my left foot

towards it the 'bumper moving fairies' got involved..........

I can't remember a Huge amount, but I must have missed the bumper completely, and the trailer...... and my foot entered fresh air a good 4-5 ft off the drive.

Basically my entire body then angled backwards, and I landed square on my back and shoulders, the impact then whiplashed the back of my head hard in to the tarmac....

2 neighbours ran over, I was (new smilee alert) :im-ok-smiley-emoticon: but not really.............

Whilst my mates panicked somewhat, a Lump a size of a large cricket ball was forming on my head, sort of elephant man stylee, I did the I'm Ok I'm Ok, but I was not

Trying to stand up saw me collapse, so I was thrown into mates car and taken to the local minor injurys clinic a few miles away, they took one look and was immeaditely in being

asseseed. room span and I couldn't still focus or hear properly

Name - Yup Ok with that,... DOB Yep,....Date er eh ? ...year er...had to think. ...2013 ? lift up left arm right arm, tap left foot.... eh ? 3.00 o clock ? ...

Had I passed out ? - No but close even now, ....do we feel sick - why do you think I have the bin next to me yes but not yet......ambulance was called and I was asked to sit in chair,

pah I though.... stood up,..... and fainted was grabbed and helped into chair.....Hmmm ....


I x trip to A&E and nice consultant did a raft of tests on my, lump on head was now bigger than ever and pulsing like something out of Alien, snotty Nurse came in and asked "and what have we done here then"

"Hurt my foot" saw the Consulatant laughing and nursey exit, next nursey was much brighter and just said "Wow" ...


Er no your not said nice consultant, 3 hours observation .......maybe in, maybe overnight maybe full CT scan

Gawd knows what tests they did - but they did loads - they were kind, worried, hugely professional and dedicated, I have absolutely no complaints and huge regard for what they do,

3 hrs later I was reassessed by consultant surgeon who decided "You have minor brain damage" to which my lovely SWMBO said the immortal "Yes he has - and we all know that - but what about this injury ?"

We laughed, .......so did nursey...

He has decided to give me drugs - I am now to be refferred to as the 'Admin Dealer' - Big Pink ones and others with notes as to when to take, which when and how many, I am told I will have memory lapses,

Big Pink ones and others with notes as to when to take, which when and how many, I am told I will have memory lapses :P, and will have "A BIG headache for a few weeks"... "Why is Suz leaving me then ?" saw another cackling of us all.

I haven't cracked my skull but its a new shape a dent and a flat area and the alien pulsing lump which is slowly going down, other than that pretty much my back is bruised all over shoulde is agony, and I have bruises appearing hourly all over...I am told I will have memory lapses, Big Pink ones and others with notes as to when to take, which when and how many, I am told I will have memory lapses :P, and will have "A BIG headache for a few weeks"

and my neck feels like its got a G clamp on it.

anyway, 3.00-pm and I'm going back to beeboos.

When I am better I have to 'have a word' with Steve - whilst 2 x neighbours argue between driving me to Minor Injuries Clinic vs 999 and Ambulance,........... he takes his phone out for a Piccie

"Quality" :rofl:

Anyway, drugs call, as does my bed....

Title change done :P:D:rofl: before another kind admin does it when I am not looking, may not be on here for a while, need to try to get a tad better, but thanks for all the

kind thoughts..


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When I am better I have to 'have a word' with Steve - whilst 2 x neighbours argue between driving me to Minor Injuries Clinic vs 999 and Ambulance,........... he takes his phone out for a Piccie

I think everyone needs a word with Steve - he's obviously been holding back on uploading the piccy for us! :rtfm: Sort it out Steve!

Glad to hear you're OK. In case the memory's playing up, don't forget that £100 you definitely owe me ;)

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Well glad to hear you are home and recovering Nige , and lmao reading your account of the moral support from

Steve, neighbours and Wifey

...so how is the tarmac? :P not a good time of the year to repair tarmac :stirthepot::D

On a more serious note , it's so easy for something apparently safe to turn to a kak kak moment , just good to know there's

no harm done



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