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Steering Wheel Restoration.


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I'm looking for ideas for restoring a Series steering wheel; this one looks to be all cast as one piece and coated with black enamel. Right now either 2K or powder coat look like possible options but I'd also like to know if there are any more tactile options out there that would be suitable.

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Restoration of Series LR Steering wheels seems a frequent topic in the Series 2 Club Forum (most of which is open to non-members) but it's not something I have a great deal of interest in. It's in the ethos of the forum that most people look for the cheapest solution that works. In this case it seems to be fill any cracks with epoxy, then paint in Plasticote, apparently available in spray tins from many local auto accessory stores.

(There is some cleaning and sanding involved as well, naturally).

This seems to be the best thread on the subject (note that many old links are broken, and picture attachments often deleted, by the Admin or by the author).

An alternative is the Steering Wheel Restoration company.

I'm not sure what you are hinting at when you say 'more tactile options', but I see that company will add a leather cover if that's what you want (and can afford:-))


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  • 1 year later...

Hi and hello every one , was wondering, can i put a ser 2a metal spoke steering wheel on my ser 3 109 .

I have done some research and keep coming up with diff Epinions .Some say splines are diff , some say the bolt on meth, is diff ,but can be mod .

I love this old metal spoke wheel , want it on my ser 3 . anyone tried ?


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No is the simple answer.

Spoked wheel fits with a pinchbolt across the base of the wheel boss fitting into a groove on the steering column in the middle of the splined section. The later solid spoked wheel fits with a nut on the top of the column.

Thanks bummer !!!

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