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Range Rover Classic Brake problem NOT RESOLVED


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Happy wet miserable sunday to all, I am sorry to pester AGAIN but , I have had my RR to `specialists` who pertained to fix my brakes .(spelling maybe subject to correction ).

To cut a very long story short .

The work to my RR Classic has at last been finished to MOT level,the car was DRIVEN to MOT station where it passed ( hurragh ), on the return journey the car was `tested ` and was driven apace ,where upon the brakes returned to their previous manner and locked on stopping the car dead on the Stanningley bypass ( not conducive to harmonious relationships with other motorists ) ( I was not driving incidentaly ).

The problem was bypassed and the car recovered back to work shop .

The brakes have been totally repiped a replacement Wabco pipe block has been fitted as has a NEW pcrv ,and still the problem ,a man has plugged in his very up market diagnostic equipment in ,but the cars comptr would not allow access , WTF next do I do .

It has been suggested I have it converted to conventional brakes ( as in my 300tdi Discovery ) but what about the insurance company , the originality , etc .

I HAVE ASKED before and HAVE been helped ,but now I am quite desperate for some resolve ,is the conversion to a standard brake system `a done thing` is it indeed done .


I have even enlisted the Technical guys from the RR Register ,and Land Rover Monthly but with no success .


( West Yorkshire)






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I vaguely recall your previous posts on this. Perhaps you could list your problems again for others who do not know the story so far, or post a link to the previous stuff.

Could it possibly be related to richardthestag's problem here;


Is it possible that you also have a problem with the wiring loom? I don't know, just guessing and clutching at straws like your are I am sure.

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Driven 'apace' and locking up sounds more like the oil being trapped in the callipers. No idea if this can happen on an ABS system, but on older stuff it was possible for the reservoir hole not to be exposed in the master cylinder; if there isn't some free play in the brake pedal, or if the hole is wrong somehow?

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Out of curiosity, what is the exact sequence of the failure. Did the brakes just come on , or were they triggered by a touch on the pedal? Also, did all four wheels lock solid, and stay that way, or did the problem pass.

I do recall seeing the original thread, but I couldn't find it.

Based on personal experience, beware of diagnostics that indicate an outlying sensor is faulty. Always check the associated wiring and connectors.

If it were me, I would run the car and work my way around the wiring giving each part a good shake, whilst listening for odd noises from the ABS system. I once located a misfire in a brand new Peugeot this way, after the dealer had 'fixed' it three times.

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