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Help with Ifor Williams Trailer - seized wheels

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It's towed by my Range Rover, so a tenuous line, but a valid on!

I last used my Ifor Willliams trailer (16' twin axle tilt bed) in November 2013 to take a TR7 to Reading, there were no issues. It was left with the handbrake off (as I do with all my trailers).

I came to move it today and 3 out of the 4 wheels are seized (solid!!) So much so the range rover was dragging it out of its parking space and the pushing it back in again. I was hoping a good "tug" my persuade them free, but no!

So, I can take the wheels off, but if being dragged wont brake anything free, trying to turn the hub by hand wont work! Is the next step to back off the brake adjusters? I assume the shoes have rusted to the drum (like my TR7 clutch did last year!) But even then, if it is rusted, how can I free it?

Physically bashing the drum, hoping vibration will free it? If they are rusted, then I stand no chance of getting the drum off (and I have three that are seized!)

Help and advice please if possible!



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Go to the bar were the rod from the coupling assembly meats the four brake cables and give this a good push and wiggle, this alone might do the trick if not do it along with hitting the wheels with a lump of wood as has been said.

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I assume the hitch is free, if they get stiff they can stay in the back position when you reverse.

You could try more weight on the trailer to get more grip, the wagon trailer drums used to stick if it stood for any length of time and a good shunt forwards and back used to unstick them.

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Nah. Sometimes they just get proper stuck. I have dragged our up hill and down dale bouncing it over ruts and jumping it off the ground but still it was seized on. Brother borrowed my Landrover to tow it to town once and didn't relaise and left a skid mark over 10 miles long until the tyre exploded. I now check everytime and if it is locked, simply lift the trailer up with the front and loader and whack the offending rim with a sledge and it frees it off. I did fix it once, which involved buying all new brake linings and rebuilding the hubs etc, but it still only lasted a year or so before the problem returned.

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I have 2 Ifor trailers, the older one having the same problem even after being a month unused and the 1 kg sledge hammer works perfect. The newer model has the newer bearings and never has this problem

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Also check the cables, where they sit on the cross beams the plastic chafes off and the cables suffer water ingress, .... 10 to 1 it is seized cables, in which case back off the adjusters for now and get the cables on order.

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My Sankey trailer has been sitting on my drive for a year. Towed it off the other day and it moved sweet as a nut. Heavy duty mechanics on this thing. There was a 300kg land rover engine on it though so there was plenty of pressure on the wheels!


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