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300tdi squeak

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I have a squeaking 300tdi defender! And its not from lack of maintainence or penny pinching-

So far in an attempt to rid the squeak it has had two new Day co tensioners, umpteen new belts (day co), new alternator, new front timing cover, two new water pumps (latest one is an airtex), new genuine power steering pump. Swapped pulleys around from spare engines. Wirebrushed pulleys and cleaned out all grooves. Degreased everything. Tried shimming the tensioner with a couple of bits of coke can. Cleaned belts and talc'd them.

Still the £&@&£@ thing squeaks. It appears to be an alignment issue as I can put a new belt on and it is quiet for 10 minutes then it comes back. The smooth running surface starts to show rubber debris on inspection presumably from the belt moving sideways slightly across the tensioner? I have put the tensioner and belt from my other 90 which runs silently onto the engine and it begins to squeak after 10 mins. After a 300mile motorway journey it is quiet with no squeak, leave it overnight, start it up the next day and it a squeaking again!

I have had this 1997 90 from almost new. The squeak started when I did the cambelt last year at 90,000 and changed the waterpump and P gasket at the same time. Is it possible that the alloy casting on the front of the engine could be warped causing some sort of misalignment with the waterpump and tensioner?

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I have had this 1997 90 from almost new. The squeak started when I did the cambelt last year at 90,000 and changed the waterpump and P gasket at the same time. Is it possible that the alloy casting on the front of the engine could be warped causing some sort of misalignment with the waterpump and tensioner?

I have read on the aulro website of this being an issue on some Defenders there, so yes it could be the alloy casting is out of true and causing the belt to misalign. A bloke there took the auxiliary mounting bracket casting off the block and used emory paper lain flat on glass (so he wrote) to ensure an absolutely plumb mating surface, sanded the mating surface evenly, then refit it.

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It's so common on the 300Tdi as to be almost normal. I have had it from the water pump, the squeak disappearing at normal running temperatures but returning as it cools.

There are sprays for serpentine belts that help with grip. I bought a can from my local branch of Cromwell Tools. I think it may have been made by Ambersil. I have yet to try it, but may gibe it a go on my 200's v-belt, which also chirps and squeaks at idle when cold (sounds like a bad bearing but clears as soon as I spray WD40 on the belt).

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Had the same fault a while back, fitted new belts - silence but only for a very short time,

Replaced crank shaft pulley but that did not work.

Still noise.

Replaced tensioner pulley with a second hand one.

Still noise.

Replaced bearings in tensioner pulley and noise did get less but it started shredding belts.

Well to cut a long story short, The tensioner pulley bearing had seized before I replaced them and when I fitted the new bearings things seamed tight but the seized bearings had caused the shaft to wear in a slight taper and when it was under load it pushed the belt to one side, this made it rub on the other pulleys and rip bits off.

Bought a new tensioner pulley and the belt has been fine since and even better than that no more noise.

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It's had a new dayco tensioner, it's had a new complete timing cover, new alternator, new power steering pump, changed pulleys. Must've spent £500 chasing the squeak. Anyway, I have given the 90 to my brother now as it drove me mad - he is quote happy to live with the squeak!

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