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Possible slipping liner...


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I bought a new car a week ago and have been really enjoying using it. I am sorry to say this one isnt a Land Rover but does posses the venerable Rover V8.... So mods please delete if you dont view this as relavent. This morning I went to a TVR specialist in Coventry so I could have a chat and get my car looked over to see if there were any problems I hadnt noticed..... Well the guy came out and had a look and a listen and told me I had a slipping liner! Not what I was expecting to hear <_<

Really I would just like to get peoples opinions to see if you think they are talking carp or they have some some weight behind them? The car has done 64,600 miles and it doesnt (over the 400 or so miles I have done) overheat.. There doesnt appear to be any steam out the exhaust, the oil is clean, and I am hoping it isnt using water (I cant get the header tank cap off at the moment...) It isnt pressurising and blowing any coolant out of the cap. If I had a slipped liner I would be expecting to see more symptoms than just a noise unless its the very early stages?

Do I wait to see if this noise gets any worse or start dismantling it to have a look?

Here is the video I have. Hopefully it is clear enough. If anyone is near Leamington spa and has much experience of this I would be happy to come and visit them.



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Slipped liner is a very popular diagnosis for any problem or noise with a 4.0 or 4.6, I'd take it with a pinch of salt and check all the cheap & easy stuff first. Could be a noisy tappet (very common), cracked exhaust manifold (very common), leaking exhaust manifold gasket, etc. etc.

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Could be a worn cam or tappet etc as said above. Do you get a misfire for a couple of seconds when you start from cold? That's usually a good indication of a slipped liner (water collects in cylinder overnight)

And also a good indication of a head gasket gone.

Personally it sounds like an exhaust leak, but the sound isn't that good.

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Sounds like an exhaust leak to me too. Its makes a metallic tappety noise...............

I have a love hate relationship with the Rover V8. Love the small bore 3.5 and hate the big bore 3.9 4.0 and 4.6. However, the extra power and torque of the bigger ones sure is tempting, but I have had 3 in a row with liner leaks............

Right at this moment I have yet another 3.9 on my stand, and while this has one steam cleaned exhaust port and half a piston top, try as I might with pressure testing and heat.................60 psi and the block at 110 degrees, both of which are massively excessive, I cannot get any sign of leakage from the liners. Might be the cylinder head but not got onto that yet...................

But anyway, I have noticed that ALL the liners on one bank (not the bank with the leak symptom) are down from the head face a couple of thou, and my immediate thought was that they have "slipped". However, on close examination of the block, the liners are pushed in and sit on a register/land/ridge during manufacture, so therefore cannot "slip", at least not downwards anway. I can only conclude that the liners have been like this since it was manufactured !

However, thinking about it, theoretically, at the top end, the gasket does not actually seal the top of the liner against the head, because the diameter of the gasket is slightly bigger than the outer diameter of the liner. This might allow the liner to move upward by the thickness of the head gasket if it is a poor fit ? Obviously the big bore engines with their composite gaskets being a lot thicker could allow this to happen ?

Then, the action of the piston may well hammer the liner up and down between the cylinder head and the bottom register until the register fails, allowing the liner to slip into the crankcase and be broken up by the conrod and crankshaft........

I am only guessing at this and have never seen it happen to this degree, and as I have stripped and rebuilt between at least 40 to 50 Rover V8s, I have only ever noticed blocks with the liners a few thou down the block bore. I have NEVER seen one with the liners above it.

A liner loose enough to do this would make a lot more noise than that I would have thought. Also, at that milage I would expect the camshaft and followers to be well on their way out, so you might want to have a loo at them.

All things considered, best thing to do would be drop a 1 UZFE in it............................. :i-m_so_happy:

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I would think you'd be able to see it on the head if a liner is slipping.

To me slipped liners on RV8s are like Nessie, lots of people talking about it but no evidence of it ever happening.

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Sorry its taken a while for me to reply. Firstly....

Is now the right time to suggest if its something major to drop a TDi in it?


Its not actually the ticking noises I am referring to. Just after revving the engine when the revs are coming down there is a light thrumming sound. I think this is most obvious when the camera is looking towards the exhaust ports and then on from there.

The engine is a bit lumpy at idle when hot or cold. It starts well and I haven't particularly noticed it being any more lumpy at start up. It also pulls very well and smoothly

The previous owner only did about 170 miles last year and this is the reason he gave for selling it. Hopefully he wasn't trying to cover anything up....

The engine doesnt breath at all and the coolant system doesnt pressurise either.

Think my dad and I will change the exhaust gaskets on the left side today. We have enough separate ones for a range rover. That will allow us to see if any ports are a bit clean.

Dropping in a 1uz would probably be nice but I think I need to finish the other one first and this like an LS conversion on a TVR would probably require some major chassis mods. So might park that one for now....



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I had a little fiddle around this morning with the plugs and I think it isnt idling quite as lumpy now. I also went to a Morgan specialist/TVR man who has a lot of experience with Rover V8's. He thought that it might be a lifter or something a little stuck. Ill give it an oil change and carry on using it and see how it goes. Due to the lack of use in the last year I wouldnt be surprised if things need a little loosening up. I also told him about the diagnosis of a slipping liner (after his diagnosis) and he really turned his nose up at this. So I am happy to carry on using it and see how it goes basically :)

If something goes wrong Ill just have to buy a 4.6 build it up and chuck that in :D

Thanks for the suggestions


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