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3.5 v8 rotor arm

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+1 for andrew, same as my thoughts + the LPG comment.

I use to go through rotor arms regularly (kept a can of WD40 and a spare new rotor arm at all times), made no difference who's rotor arm I had (genuine Lucas or other), I got a counterweight spring kit from realsteel I think (long time ago!), and once I took my distributor apart found that that the counterweights were all all over the place, new set of springs secured everything, never had a problem after that on rotor arms.

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My V8 used to eat rotor arms (used to get about 500 miles out go each one), tried every type known to mankind , made no bloody difference, then I changed the amplifier pack on the dizzy, and no more problems. Black Lucas ones used to last a little bit longer than the red ones.

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