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South West Challenge 4


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David - more understandable with the scoring system used though, you only need a few punches at 200 each that no one else got! Some of the guys worked hard and got some very difficult punches but unfortunately alot of othercars inthe same class had already done those punches! Makes it a thinking mans/womans game as well!

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There purely as an observer, I thought James did an excellent job.

It's a great site and the punches were 1st class..

Haven't been so wet and muddy for ages - a 4 hour drive home and still wet.

Well done to all who took part and made it happen!

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Thanks James.

Great site shame we didnt last long (11:30 to be exact). However we did have about 2hrs of winching to get from where the steering box broke back out to the main track. A big thanks to Steve Gittins for towing us back to the car park(Oh and congrats).

We did get about 7 punches but we didn't get the card taken off before we leave

James I know the points wont count but if I list which punches we got could you give us an idea of how many points we would of got?

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Shaun - yep no worries, send them to me via email on greenmachine417@aol.com. i will tell you the score you would of had but wont publish the changed results as it will change all the mod scores!

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Shaun give pete a bell he does SE boxes at much cheapness.

James What can I say , You have excelled youself with todays challenge , It was superb . An excellent site excellent weather( for a challenge anyway) And very well organised . Well done mate .

And another thanks goes out to Jim aka Pugwash for providing us with some of his excellent culunary delights , I never new cod and chips could taste so good when your wet cold and knackered. Well done mate .

Another to the marshalls who were very helpful , Well done chaps

After a pre- wash damage assesment it aint too bad , N/s mirror complete , Tool box , rear bulk head ,dent on N/s door .

All the punches were A1 some looked easy but proved otherwise.

Thanks also to the sponsers

Was good to see the usual faces again , and good to see Mr Bowyer and mr Buck turn up to spectate .

James , I forgot to give you your marking out tape , Ill keep it safe .


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Absolutely superb day, fantastic organising as ever, and some really well laid out punches!

Pretty good result for us with Mrs SiWhite as co-driver for the first time - amazingly, she's still talking to me!

Piccys and vid clips when I've dried out....

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thanks for the seat cover james great day out well set up. will have to take more time to see which punches are worth doing next time

(not to much tree felling today as well) :D

James excellent event me and Kevin had a great day but i must say im glad to be home, thankyou to everyone involved the punches were really good and some very deceiving a great way to score them it makes you take on more hope to see you all again later in the year sort the panels out first though cheers

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Excellent event.

Many thanks to James and everyone who helped out. The punch's were really good, I really enjoy the harder punch's and some of those today were just right. The Fish n chips were spot on and were just what we needed to sort us out after a very poor start/morning!

Thanks to OEC for the prizes!

Cant wait till the next one now!

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Excellent event even though it rained most of the day, missed a few good photos as I was trying to keep the cameras dry! Like it being on a saturday, gives me a day to dry out and competitors time to fix everything that broke! :unsure:

The best of my photos are up here, here's just a few...



I should hope not...























Dates for the next ones!


Email me if you want bigger copies of any of them,


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Another good day despite the odd shower. Managed to drive home without the help of the RAC so thats not bad.

Seemed to get just as much mud inside the Land Rover as what was on the outside.

Thanks to everyone that made the day possible.

Must contend the dirtiest co-driver though, Dawn must have been a close third.





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A good day out in the mud and rain, thanks to James for laying on another good event, Jim for providing much needed sustinance at lunch time, and Bish for letting me sit in his car occassionaly (hmmm leather seats, nice warm heater and windows, eh Nick :P )

As always good pics there Dicky, I like the blurred one of Matt, almost makes it look like he was moving :lol:

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Just finished clearing the site and all punches found and still attached (18 was the only one that came off at some point and reattached by a Marshall) so good to see no unnecessary risks were taken!

Also had some disappointed spectators turn up today, oh well!!!!!

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I admit i am a computer mong, check results again, thank you Mark and Steve for your emails and honesty, you gonna give Jase your prizes????

Jase - well done mate, you won Mod class!!!!

Sorry for the mistakes.

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