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5.0 v8 project

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That is a billy-bargain, don't tempt me to put it in my Morris Minor, reckon it would fit!

Totally off topic but I had the BGT V8 at a rolling road a few months back and there was a stunning moggy running a 2.0 Zetec on TB's, I reckon a V6 moggy would be even better!

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Sorry for OT (I'm sure the OP doesn't mind too much!), but there's not a lot to look at at the moment!


Much steel, gas and wire in stock...

Perhaps we could think about a separate forum, called 'A bit on the side....' I'd have two to add(!)

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There's not a great deal of that left...

Well indeed...that's what happens when it is parked up under a tarp completely disassembled for 10+ years...

I have the bolt on bits still in reasonable nick, going through all the mechanicals and giving them a good coat of paint before I face that, hopefully start welding up later this month. The brace is to ensure it is all square, and to stop the whole thing from snapping in two... yes it is that rotten, behind the B-pillar, the main thing holding it together is the transmission tunnel!

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Not being picky, but the desciption actually reads (in full):

'4x4 Special Vehicle Builds, Major Modifications, Upgrades & Special Projects (Not only LR)'

That sounds far more to me that it is for 4x4's rather than passenger cars, which clearly the Minor is the latter -I know it is a small thing, but it is a description which has put not only me off from posting in there, perhaps it would encourage more people to stick their 'Bit on the side' in there as well...

My idea for the forum was something a bit more relaxed, perhaps the existing one can be morphed into something between the two? I've noticed a lot of the threads in there aren't really special builds or heavily modified 4x4s, but queries about release bearings and air compressors for an air bed..... Reckon a quick prune (move them to the international forum) and a rename and we could have somethign that would really grow.

I would also suggest moving it down the page a little, under the 'Vehicles' section, then it acts as an 'Any other vehicle' forum, at the moment it is getting more traffic than it should because it is the one on-screen when the page loads....

Whoops, dropped into webdev/UX for a mo there..... but it is all valid.

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Great build, guys a genius. Did anybody else see his Subaru rear caliper swap to gain a handbrake?

A genius that can't do a 5-second Google search to find out the LT230 is more than strong enough, and thus made tons of extra work for himself...

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