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Jeffs Workshop manual


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Well children, as looks like I'm about to undergo some fairly major surgery to repair knackered tendons in my left hand (not to mention an Ulna Nerve resection to try and fix that bugger) and as the arthritis is now officially not rheumatoid arthritis (so off the Tramadol/anti inflammatories and almost functioning as a human being again) I gonna have rather a lot of spare time over the next 4/5 months....

So, I am considering finishing the 2nd part of the Alternative Workshop manual (and addressing the errata in the first half- assuming I can find it). That is, if there is enough interest. Sadly I will be unable to use/abuse/repair LR products for quite a while , so the family fleet will stagnate as I've gone to the dark side and acquired an old BMW 318....

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Another vote for part 2! Just read all of part 1, highly assuming read, makes me wonder why I'm considering purchasing such a marvel of British engineering! And in series format may I add!

Hope the op goes well though Jeff and eagerly await part 2!


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