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300tdi backpressure at air filter


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It is sounding like a resonance thing. No throttle plate, no overlap and short duration will create quite a pulse in the intake, and the defender must be an NVH engineers worst nightmare...

Just to clarify, you can only feel air flowing out of the air box filtered side through a little bleed hole?

The booming only happens at certain revs/load?

You could rig up a simple manometer with some tube and a couple of clear bottles which should be sensitive enough to measure small changes. Maybe have a go with that and see how it relates to the booming sound?

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The only time I've had an issue with intake noise on my current 200 Tdi was when I forgot to reconnect the rubber hose from the wing intake to the air box after working on it. That made a very unpleasant noise at speed.


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Just to clarify, you can only feel air flowing out of the air box filtered side through a little bleed hole?

The booming only happens at certain revs/load?

No, if i remove the crank breather (from cyclone filter) near the turbo i can feel it there too! not i must say from the cyclone pipe, but from the air intake pipe!

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the external shots sound completely fine.

The internal booming is very odd though, what about engine mountings? Perhaps one of them is knackered an not isolating the engine vibrations from the chassis? I've had a similar noise in a car before when an exhaust mount broke and the mid section was touching the floor pan.

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Sorry if you already said, but what exhaust are you running?

Have you tried removing props? Diff pinions OK? what about the engine/gearbox mounts, are they standard or 'uprated solid' ones?

As above, the induction sounds OK, with all you have done you would expect it to have changed, if not cured it, suggest you look elsewhere. Sounds very much like it could be something touching it shouldn't be...

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exhaust is standard too. rear and middle silencers, both renewed made no difference. down pipe is solid pipe, not flexi type. changed offside engine mount (gen part) no difference. i think i might try putting new gearbox mounts next. getting fed up shelling out on replacement parts that don't cure it!!

removing props makes no difference either!

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new exhaust rubbers!

tick over i can hear it quietly as I'm tuned into it now!

rev it in neutral can hear it easily.

worse under load, high box low box diff lock whatever, its still there!

it can only be heard from inside, I've walked alongside as my mate drove it in low box so it was really bad inside, but i could not hear it outside!

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Is it a single or twin box exhaust ? I'm wondering if the main box has lost it's filling . Can you strap that camera underneath near the main box and do the drive test again?

The engine itself sounds normal from the video but the droning is clearly audible inside . It would bug me too :blink:



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If it can't be heard externally in your video then surely it's body work resonance like retro said.

Not sure if it's already been asked, but have you made sure the intake hose isn't rubbing on the bulkhead, or the intercooler hose with the metal straight piece that clamps to the inner wing isn't resonating is it?

Apologies if it sounds daft or you've already checked

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New head gasket I fitted was leaking!! Possibly because I had missed water in the bottom of some bolt holes in the block..... i did think some of the bolts felt a bit springy as I was torqueing it down. Checked head and block faces with an engineers straight edge whilst it was all apart again and both were good to go just gave the block face a carefull going over with 2000 grit paper. After a couple of days of running all seems fine.

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New head gasket I fitted was leaking!! Possibly because I had missed water in the bottom of some bolt holes in the block..... i did think some of the bolts felt a bit springy as I was torqueing it down. Checked head and block faces with an engineers straight edge whilst it was all apart again and both were good to go just gave the block face a carefull going over with 2000 grit paper. After a couple of days of running all seems fine.

so kurt, is your booming gone?

i used compressed air to blow water out block threads!

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Update: fitted new down pipe with flexi today. Made NO difference!!!!! been having a good look and listen again today, its definitely being caused by the back pressure! the booming climbs and drops with the revs, basically sound like an exhaust!

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That's a good way to crack the block - the pressure exerted by head bolts in a wet hole would be enormous.

I know.... i cringed when i realised my error. Think i must of been suffering brain freeze from the weather when i did it.that and battling the fading light.

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so kurt, is your booming gone?

i used compressed air to blow water out block threads!

Yep thats was i resorted to this time around. Was a bit of a faff lugging the compressor about but i wasnt about to take anymore chances. And no the booming remains!

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^ My exhaust/turbo appears fine. On second manifold gasket at the moment correctly torqued up with clean mating surfaces.

Just thinking out aloud here but could this be a symptom of a worn camshaft/bearings? I am imagining valves not opening properly at the correct time could somehow cause this backpressure in the inlet manifold as those with a snapped rocker shaft may have found as suggested earlier in this thread?

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